Thursday, October 10, 2024

Basic knowledge

They don't know the difference between a transvestite and a non-binary person. But shout 'their opinion' on the subject concerned.

They don't know the difference between reflection and refraction and get angry when you ask them not to shout 'their opinion' on the subject concerned.

Rotation and gravity are just 'difficult words' to them. Hence you find a lot of Flat Earthers among them:

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All the stupid remarks from wappies come from a lack of knowledgde. What makes them stupid is not the lack of knowledge but comes from their willingness to be and stay ignorant.

When sane people like you and I don't know something, we express our willingness to learn. We don't pretend we know all about it while only repeating the soundbites from our favourite populiststs. Or do you?

Thursday, October 03, 2024

50 Completely true things

Thanks to several friends, I came across this brilliant piece by Mo Husseini on Medium. It's an extensive list of facts surrounding the Isr4el/P4lestine conflict. 

39 Really ís brilliant. About a dog - or maybe several dogs - that sh*t on the carpet. Of course you can pray for the sh*t to magically disappear or spend the rest of your life screaming and shouting about who is to blame for which part of the pile of sh*t. Or you just clean it up together and move on. 

Fact no. 37 may be my favourite. Because I like facts that shut up agressive idiots:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Interestingly enough the same people who side with f4scists like Bibi are also - just like the n4zis were - fiercely 'anti-woke'. Watching Star Wars they cheer for The Empire and watching The Hunger Games f4scists cheer for The Capitol. In their closed minds the rebels in both franchises are too 'woke'. 

In other words: if the 'hero' is not a white alpha male, wappies cry out 'woke!' Yet they claim to follow Jesus, a long haired and dark skinned hippie in a dress who preached empathy. 
Ask the White, Christian Nationlists ('Nat. C.'s for short. Thanks to Bety Bowers

) who want the church - against the explicit wishes of The Founding Fathers - to lead the state and hang a copy of the Ten Commandments in every classroom in the USA: 'Homosexuality' is not even in the top ten of sins. But lying is. 

What would Jesus have to say about people (and their supporters) who lie and use those lies to get people who are not like them murdered, like this US citizen who was fatally shot in the head by a sniper (an act the US government lets investigate by the very same people who ordered her murder. Reminds me of FIFA investigating corruption within FIFA)?

I'm referring to this headline and article:
Documents attributed to H4mas by J3wish Chronicle, Bild forged: Ynet
So, the z!o's forge documents and use what's in those documents as a good reason to slaughter thousands of people. Got it. Not very 'christian' is you ask me. 

Jesus is the total opposite of self proclaimed savior Elon 'Only alpha males should vote' Musk, who apparently likes Star Trek, one of the most 'woke' franchises ever. As the actor portraying The Doctor subtly told Musk:

 Are you anti-woke or do you side with people who know the meaning of empathy?

Why would any sane person want to live in a society that excludes large groups of people?

Thursday, September 26, 2024

A day in [my] the life of someone with ADHD

When I saw this video, at first I thought: 'Hey, this is about me!'

My second thought I jolted down as a reaction to it:

Yep. My mind tells me I did something but in reality I only planned on doing it. And now I want to read books and watch YouTube videos on the concept of reality. And write a book and a play about my findings. Which reminds me I need to find my passport because I'm going to Belgium soon. To the French speaking part so will now open Duolingo to learn some French. Oh, I am sorry... what was the question again? Was there a question? Can a sentence be a question if it is not ended by a question mark and I just saw a neighbour walk past my window.

The ADHD-mind is constantly racing. Meaning people with ADHD are often tired and overwhelmed. We don't have a (working) filter so every little piece of information is equally important and texting a vague acquintance about a new Netflix show you just started watching has the same priority as calling your best friend to say of course you'll come to their child's funeral. It's hell. 

Luckily I've trained how to cope but ADHD'ers do have a higher suicide rate than neurotypical people. 

Another ADHD-trait is 'oversharing': as soon as you said it, you know you said too much. And are convinced people - even your closest friends - will hate you for it for the rest of their lives. And even when you are not, you often feel left out. Here's a good (and short. Don't worry) video about it.

Several people stuck the label 'ADHD' to me and my brain. But maybe I don't have ADHD but simply show most of the symptoms. Anyways: whatever label people stick on you, only you decide what label keeps sticking.
Until recently I believed there was something wrong with me and other neurodivergent people but the lady in this clip changed my mind: perhaps being neurodivergent should be the norm and - with their strong sense of justice, their creativity and passion, neurodivergent people should take over the world from 'normies' and turn this world into a better place. What if the world needs neurodivergent people?

What are your experiences with (people with) ADHD and other a-neurotypical 'abnormalities'?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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