Saturday, November 26, 2022

Here (a short story)

He needed shelter. And a drink. On this street everything appeared closed but when he saw a well-known sign he walked on a little faster. It was not his favourite brand of beer but sometimes it is better not to complain.

On opening the bar door he felt slightly disappointed. It took him a while to realise why: he had not heard the cheerful 'Ting-a-ling-a-ling!' of a welcoming chime.

It was very quiet here in every respect. Not even music. Only now did he realise that all conversation had come to a halt and all faces were turned towards him. He straightened his back, walked to the bar and ordered his favourite drink.

The barman just looked at him with a question in his eyes. So he repeated his order. The barman heaved a deep sigh, shoulders drooped. He ordered a beer, was made to pay straight away and emptied his glass fairly quickly.

Outside awaited the pouring rain but still he would rather be there than here. 


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Should we trust people who state we can't trust others?

Some people believe the Great Pyramids were build to store grain. Simply looking at them makes that theory seem highly unlikely. Yet people take it as a fact. And not just former American presidential candidates.
There is some consensus they were build as tombs for pharaohs. Although some mummification equipment was found in pyramids, only one contained an actual mummy. The ancient Egyptians didn't want the bodies of their leaders to be found, so why build a giant structure, advertising where to find them? 

So what was the purpose of the pyramids and were it really the Egyptians that built them? A man named A.J. tries to provide some answers in The Why Files (click). Were the pyramids really powerplants?
The farther we go back in time, the harder it is to find evidence for theories and the harder it gets to seperate fact from fiction. Especially when 'the government' apparently doesn't want people to know the truth. Are our governments trying to hide facts from us? Why? If they're not, why don't they put any effort in debunking conspiracy theories? Could it be they confuse us on purpose? To what end?

It's a fact that The Montauk Project existed. It's true governments do things they like to keep under wraps. Kidnap, torture and murder for example. Does that mean we should always believe those who claim the exact opposite of what the government tells us? And what if time traveling heroes really exist but they also sexually abused young men?

(Watch until the end. But not with young children, please)

Should we always trust the government or always put our trust in people who state we can never trust the government?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, November 19, 2022

You once smiled (a #poem)

Long shadows and lighting bolts
turtle necks and blue clay molds

A woman's mind
everyone's kind

Can't you hear them sing?
The wind, the trees and a lonesome child?

Just wear that ring
and remember you once smiled


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Thursday, November 17, 2022

We love to believe amazing stories

David Icke has millions of fans. And I get that. His stories are fantastic. Literally. People like the former football player's stories for the same reason they love the stories of J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien and those of George R. Martin: it's nice to - if even for an hour or so - escape to another realm of existence. Forget about everyday problems, ailments, heartache and whatever bothers us. 

As a teen I ate up the stories of Erich von Däniken: Humans are a failed alien experiment? Cool!
I loved the Superman comics:
An alien being with superpowers that helped us fight the nazis? Amazing stories!
Just like: 'Some powerful people on Earth are secretly alien lizardmen who want to kill us all!'

David Icke may have had too many football balls hit his amygdala. It's the spot in our brain that houses our conscious, the 'voice in our head'. When it malfunctions, we can't tell right from wrong, a lie from the truth.

Either way, his ideas have been debunked over and over again and his followers believe them like people who believe everything in the books of Dan Brown is reality. Take his rocksteady believe that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the real story of how 'the jews' want to control the world. Although it was written by the Russians a hundred years ago as 'evidence' the jewish were an evil people. Not just ordinary but poorly educated civilians believed the constructed story, also people like Henry Ford saw it as proof his anti-semitism was justified. Dangerous stuff!

Do you believe the stories of David Icke, although they have been debunked? If I may ask: why?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Palms (a #shortstory)

At the party he saw
some old friends
And made some new ones.
The music was a bit too loud
for his taste but good to dance to.

Everyone, the DJ, the waiters and waitresses, 
the security guards, the performing artists, 
the management of the club, of course the guests
and even the wardrobe ladies, 
seemed to have a good time.

Proof of that he saw 
when he used the bathroom:
at the back wall of the stall
he noticed
the imprint of two
sweaty hand palms.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Thursday, November 10, 2022


With every new development there are fierce opponents: 'Why change? What we have works well and is good enough!' 

If we never change, we never develop. Perhaps not every change is for the better but if we had never made any changes we would still be living like our ancestors, 100,000 years ago.

A man who never opposed changes was David Bowie. He more than once changed his appearance, the way he sold records, didn't oppose the sale of digital music, et cetera.

Do you oppose change? Why?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Engulfed (a #poem)

  She spoke to him
  Like no one had spoken to him before
  She asked him a question
  He never had to answer before
  Somehow he managed to answer
  Although bound by invisible restraints
  He knew he could trust her.
  She said so with her eyes.

  And so he surrendered
  - with his eyes closed -
  To her and the darkness
  In which they were both

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Thursday, November 03, 2022

The Feast of Light

Halloween marks a great season for entertainers in our part of the world. I'm guessing it's the same for my colleagues in areas of the world were the Feast of Light is called Dia de los Muertos or Divali, for example. It marks the time that most work on the lands is done and - because it gets darker - we spend more time at home, with our loved ones. Back in the day there was no internet. No tv or radio even! And when many people couldn't read, these were the times they told eachother stories. Ghost stories. 

I like the symbolism surrounding the traditions, this time of year. Have always been attracted by symbolism. It may well be why I once decided to become a Freemason. 

We have our 'own' (often 'borrowed' - like most habits and traditions - from other cultures) traditions, especially surrounding the different solstices.

So, when I get the chance to play a ghoul, a character from a scary movie or simply a character who embraces the dark side that lurks in all of us, I jump at the opportunity.

From pre-internet days:

So, how was your Halloween? Did you wear a costume? Did you have a scary parent/child moment that really was only scary for onlookers?
Did you dress up your cute cat?

What do you call the Feast of Light in your neck of the woods and do you have traditions that are different from other people celebrating moving into the dark?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated: