Don't think so. My monthly income hovers around 920 euro's. That's including child-benefit, single-parent tax return and the odd job. The total amount a month I pay for rent, electric, phone, insurances, healthplan, school, my kids' future studies and the likes comes down to 740 euro's a month. Should I on top of that all pay the 150 euro's a month for my daughter that would leave me with about 30 euro's a month for me and my son to live from. That's 1 euro (or 95 dollarcents or 67 pence) a day.
An other ex and neighbour asked me if I could lend her and her boyfriend 20 euro's for catfood.
Sure! When hell freezes over that is...
That's probably the same thing George W thinks when people talk about lifting the embargo on Cuba. Of course the fact that 800,000 of his voters want Castro out of Cuba has nothing to do with it. Nor the fact that his brother Jeb needs those votes to get re-elected as governor of Florida.
Sure. And the US president actually wants the world to become a nicer place.
She sees me as her protector. I'd love to hold her and keep away all the evils in the world. Can't do that. What I can do is teach her that with her sweetness she can make this world a better place.
I love working with kids.
This past week we've been practising very hard for our Halloween-performance.
It started as soon as I returned from out holiday. I barely had time to go passed my house to collect my heels! Monday we did some bed-scenes at my place and wednesday there was another genereal rehearsal. I also had to work, my son had his karate and I skipped Pencak Silat to save energy for this coming week.
Next to that I got asked by Erwin Olaf to mud-wrestle the night after we've done the Timewarp on an Utrecht-stage. In Groningen.