Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Saving our planet and gaining free time

It may not be too late to save our planet: every day more and more people are convinced something needs to change. And more and more people are willing to put in some effort. One of the plans is this:

On other news: robots are not only way on their way to hand us more free time (it's what we want, right?) by taking over our jobs, they soon will be able to play so we won't have to...

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What if mankind is God's attempt to create artificial intelligence?

What if mankind is God's attempt to create artificial intelligence? The experiment got out of hand and He tried to end it: The Great Flood, Soddom and Gomorra, plagues...

A computer program is already diagnosing diseases. And doing a much better job than most doctors. An algorithm is helping judges to decide if one is guilty or not. And saving them lots of time, so the judge can focus on the human element to decide wether someone receives the minimum or the maximum penalty.

Should we be scared of those computerprograms? Or should we be scared of who controls them? Should we fear hackers?

At the very least we should discuss the pros and cons and think of solutions for problems that don't exist yet. Are you in?

And what if computer programs really do become completely selfsufficient or even self aware?

It looked like Facebook's experimental chatbots were doing just that: they appeared to have developed a way of communicating only they understood. And Facebook pulled the plug. Making many believe the people from the social network got spooked. In fact they didn't. They just didn't think chatbots who can only chat with eachother and not with human customers make not much sense. Here's the full article:


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Should every civilian carry a gun?

'Many mass shootings have been stopped by a law abiding citizen who carries!' -'Name one.' More often than not that's the end of the debates I sometimes have with people who say they think 'The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun.' That story is simply not backed up by facts.

Yes, there are a few incidents where a 'civilian' (more often than not an off duty police officer) shot a gunman before he could fire again. But it's hard to say if the incident would have turned into a mass shooting. Here's a list:

Here are a few figures to make people at least think about gun control:

It's actually really, really simple: more guns equals more gun deaths (click)

And only in the United States of America so many people are killed by bullets. Why is that?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Ban everything that's dangerous!

One guy attempted to blow up one airplane with one explosive device, hidden in one shoe. Since that day almost every airline passenger is required to take of their shoes and have them checked before boarding an airplane 'because shoes could be dangerous!'.

One lawndart once accidentally flew over a fence, hit one very unlucky very young child and hurt in in such a way that it died from the suffered injury. Since then it's illegal (in the United States of America) to buy or sell lawndarts.

Millions of times people got shot with a gun, mostly on purpose but often by accident. Since then it is illegal to buy or sell guns in the United States. Except that it's not.

So why ban shoes on planes and toys on lawns but not guns in the hands of idiots?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The best era to live in

Good things still happen: more kids than ever attend school and less people die from starvation. If people could choose in which era they prefer they live, by far most people would choose the current era.

And just look at this amazing ice and snow festival in China!

And there are always things that sound like Chewbacca...

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Why a wall?

Since the invention of the aeroplane walls have basically become obsolete. But apparently no one has told Donald Trump. He thinks drugs are dangerous 'because a heavy bag of drugs hurts a lot when it falls on your head when thrown over the wall so the wall needs to be really high.'

His words would be simply entertaining if he weren't the president of the United States of America.

A wall will not stop crime. A wall will not stop drugs. A wall is pointless.

What if a wall would really stop immigration? And what if the wall had been build 200 years ago? Amerca would be very empty without people like mr. Trump's grandfather. People like mr. Trump's wife. People like mr. Trump's ex-wife. People like almost all Americans.

Question for American readers: would you be living in America, had a wall been build 200 years ago?

Here are a few arguments against a border wall between America and Mexico:

Not to mention: what will it cost and who will pay for it?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Were our ancestors stupid?

'Our ancestors were stupid barbarians!' Not really. It's really the people who believe that statement who are the stupid ones. Sure, sometimes we can't figure out what or how the old Egyptians, Romans or Aztecs did something. But that's just due to our lack of understanding their ways.

Yes, they used different means, had different believes and may have thought in ways different than our own. But does that mean they were stupid? Of course not!

Look at these two examples:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Illegal workers

'Yeah, get rid of all illegal workers!'

Sounds like a great plan. Unless you realize there are no legal workers
willing to do the same job illegal workers are used for. On top of that: should farmers pay decent wages they will soon be bankrupt.

Already crops are failing.

Food will drastically go up in price. And for what?

The ego of a 71 years old entrepeneur?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Edible water bottle

Every day more and more people are convinced we have to stop exploiting the Earth. They know there's only one of those and that it's precious, despite what some presidents might tell us.

Here's a proposed solution to all those plastic waterbottles that are extremely polluting. Meet the edible water container:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

It's all perception

What and how we see is mostly a question of perception. After a crime police can question half a dozen eye witnessess and receive half a dozen different narratives, although they all have seen the same crime being commited.

Thing is: we all have different backgrounds, different friends, different ideas and therefore different perceptions. And often different information.

We perceive things differently after being given different information.

Don't believe me? Watch this:

We are all right. From our own perspective. And for some reason we think others see things exactly like we do.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

When a Christian kills someone, is Christianity to blame?

When a Christian kills someone, is Christianity to blame? And when a Muslim kills someone? Or you do? So why do people keep blaming just one single religion? I don't have the answer to that question. But maybe you do.

What I do know is that a grandfather wants to know why his - American! - grandson was killed in a drone attack in Yemen. Listen to his story to find out why you never heard about the brutal murder of an innocent 16-years old boy and a couple of evenly innocent bystanders.

Since the original video got deleted from Youtube, here is an other video about the drone attacks:

(Before it accidentally gets deleted I downloaded it and placed it here from my computer)

The drone strike was ordered by then (2011) president Barack Obama but neither he, nor anyone of his administration was ever held accountable for the cowardly murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki.

There's still some speculation about why this Denver born teenager was killed by a drone, send by the Obama administration. The causes surrounding his death are all Red Tape. 

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Start acting yesterday

If we want our children's children to even have a chance of living the life we live, we have to start acting yesterday.

Right now we're depleting the planet of resources faster than Mother Nature can replenish. And that's a bad thing.

Read this article and watch the embedded videoclip to learn more.

Dutch for 'society' is 'samenleving', literally: 'togetherliving' and it says it all. We all live on this planet together. We can disagree with one another and even get angry. But in the end we have to pull resources and combine our strengths to surpass our weaknesses and make something of life. In the office we can perfectly work together with people we don't really like so why is it so hard to live with people who live in other countries?

I'd like to hear your thoughts about this. Please share them in the comment section of this medium.
Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

A healthier planet

In Germany some 35% of all used energy is renewable. And that percentage is rising rapidly. Even despite Donald Trump's efforts to make people deny climate change and support his friends in the oil industry.

Renewable energy will be the cheapest form of power in almost every country by 2020, analysts claim (click)

Countries like Iceland and Costa Rica are taking the lead in creating a healthier planet:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, September 29, 2017

Why are you normal and an other person is not?

In increasingly larger parts of the world people are allowed to be who they are. And that's a good thing. The number of people who wish others would act like they do is declining. A good example is the LGBTQ-movement: in more and more countries people are allowed to marry someone of the same sex. However, it will be a long time ahead in the future before non-white, not straight, not handicapped people are seen as 'normal' people. But a start towards that goal had been made.

Did you know only about 9 percent of the world population has a light complexion?
So, according to logic, being white is not normal.

Just think about that for a while.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, September 22, 2017

Let's treat people as people

Who decides who's to live and who's to die? Doctors? Politicians? God?

Some countries urge women to have their child aborted when it's discovered the unborn fruit has Down Syndrome. As if that's a bad thing. People with Down Syndrome have a chromosome more than 'normal' people. But what's 'normal'? If 'normal' is defined as 'like most people', according to certain governments and thousands of people, YOU don't have the right the live.

As a matter of fact: by far most people in the world do not have light skin. So, according to the logic used by some people, people with light skin do not have the right to live because they are not as 'normal' as most people.

But Charlotte Helene Fien can say it better than I can:
'In Iceland, Denmark and China not a single baby with Down syndrome has been born in several years'. They have been eradicated. That's Newsspeak for 'killed'. 

If people with Down Syndrome would not be alive, this beautiful videoclip would not exist:
Here's Svefn-g-englar by Sigur Ros

In short: no, people with Down Syndrome are not perfect. But tell me: what would society look like should we eradicate every person who is not perfect?
Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon 

Friday, September 15, 2017

'Collateral damage' or a dead child?

The official purpose of military intervention is 'to protect civilian lives at any cost'. Does that mean literally thousands of civilians should perish as 'collateral damage' when bombing a handful of enemy combatants who plan to kill a few dozen civilians?

Of course not.

But if the cure is worse than the plague? Much, much worse?
Shouldn't the attacks be reconsidered?

The families of those casualties...will they be pleased with the 'help' they receive or will they turn into really, really angry people who themselves will turn hostile towards their 'liberators'?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Treat others like you want them to treat you

If people are treated like [CENSORED], they will act accordingly. But there are still people out there who apparently think that if a person is treated badly, that person will turn to becoming the nicest person imaginable. As if people will stop using violence if you hit them hard on their nose. Or blow up their kids.

Maybe you have a really good reason to mistreat a person. Most obviously because that person has done something nasty to you or a loved one. But what if you take the first step and start treating that other person like a human adult? You know, if you would treat that person in the same manner you want that person to treat you?

Consider this: what have you got to lose by trying?

You want some evidence that this behaviour could actually work? Take this Norwegian prison system as an example:

So, what do you actually want? Bad people going to prison and come out as even worse people? Or people going to prison, coming out as really, really nice neighbours?

And what if YOU are that person going to jail? How would YOU like to be treated? For the Christians amongst my readers: Can you call yourself a Christian if you treat others like you don't want to be treated yourself?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Do the rich steal more than the poor?

It is said the rich steal more from the poor than vice versa. What is true of that claim?
Here are the figures:

This study was performed in Scandinavia and shows the ultra-wealthy don't pay 30% of all the taxes they owe. Makes you wonder what that number is in other countries.

What do you think? Here a picture showing the federal revenue lost to tax evasion:

Think of this again when you hear someone complain of the 'tens of dollars a month' someone on footstamps 'steals' by cheating on the system.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Who's to blame?

'Yeah, but some Jews protested violently against the Nazi's so both sides are to blame for all the violence in Nazi Germany', is basically what an American president said when a white supremacist in Charlottesville ran over peaceful counter-protestors with his car, injuring 19 people and killing one.

32 Year old Heather Heyer is to blame for her own death, according to 'the most powerful man in the world'. Should she have idly stood by, watching neo-nazi's take over het beloved country?

Donald Trump could have honoured her memory by blaming her killer and not her. In stead he chose to insult her and others like her by allowing hatred filled idiots to ruin life for actual peaceloving patriotic Americans.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Let's stop pollution!

For some reason we have polluted our planet for years and years. As if we didn't care what happened to it. But it's starting to look like we do. And maybe, just maybe it's not too late to do something to make this planet a better place for our children's children. I think we owe it to them. We made a mess and we should clean it up.

Cleaning up oil spills is one thing but how about stop polluting our environment? All we have to do is not do it. Are you in?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Believers don't believe in facts

I find it hard to imagine there are people who would like to see other people being 'put away' simply because those other people are different. If I'd think they could read texts containing more than 140 characters I would urge them to read the story of the now 92 years old Ed Mosberg, who keeps the memory of the concentration camps very much alive:

The people who want to get rid of other people don't seem to be disturbed by facts and figures: what they read on Facebook gets into their heads and simply becomes their believes. The problem with believes is that it's virtually impossible to make people think their believes are not right.

Don't believe me? Try convincing an Apple addict that in many ways the operating system Android is superior. Good luck!

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You can't be free behind a wall

Reading this via Facebook? Click this link (click) for a better lay out and to see all pictures.

Some people argue only foreigners commit crimes and therefore walls and fences should be erected to keep out every single foreigner. That tactic won't work. See, we all are foreigners to people from other countries so basically we should shut out ourselves. Which is quit impossible. Hungary may try. But I predict putting up more and higher border walls will not make the people from Hungary feel more secure.

Think about it: they don't want the Sharia in Hungary, meaning they really hate the idea of every citizen being watched and tracked and angry heavily armed men on every streetcorner. And how do they come about preventing that scary scenario from becoming reality? By putting up security camera's, tapping phonelines, checking random emails and...putting angry heavily armed men on every streetcorner.

Feel safer already?
 'Daddy, why is there a fence surrounding our town?'
-'To protect us from people who want to lock us up, son!'
'You can't be free behind a wall'

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

On democracy

When you say you want 'more democracy', what exactly do you mean? Do you want a system in which elected people compare notes, take into consideration wishes from every corner of the country and from every group of people living in it? Or do you want 'the voice of the people' to be heard at every 'important' decision by way of referenda? If so, who decides what's 'important'?

In other words: do you prefer the current (imperfect) system or a dictatorship of the majority, considering you belong to a minority?

Curious to know what you choose and why. Let me know in the comments section!

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Ever thought of the Ubuntu Society?

Originally the planet (and all of its resources) belonged to all of us. One day a few people decided they were entitled to owe more than others. Until this day nobody knows why. From that day people had to work harder than others, just so they could have a little piece of what someone else had. Simply put: we used to work four ours a day to pick some fruit and catch a rabbit. Now we had to work for eight hours, picking fruit and catching rabbits for someone else, just so we could buy the same amount of fruit and rabbits.

This system lead to where we are today: a lot of fruit gets and rabbits get thrown away because there are not enough people with enough money to buy that fruit and those rabbits and people are starving because somebody picked all their fruit and caught all their rabbits.

This system is called 'capitalism' and it's not working. Except for the one percent that owns all the fruit and rabbits. But within a few decades there will be nobody left to pick the fruit and catch the rabbits for them and the one percent will have to come down from their ivory towers and pick their own fruit and catch their own rabbits again. And the whole cycle starts anew.

I can think of only one solution to break through this cycle: remove all borders so no one own anything anymore and have politicians, historians, scientists, farmers and economists come together to come up with a new system to evenly divide the earth's resources. A hopeful way is called Ubuntu. Here's more on that:

So, what are your thoughts on the subject? Let me know in the comments section.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

On conflicts and emotions

The USA seems to be in a constant fight with countries in the Middle East. Mainly because those countries are muslim nations that treat women badly, oppress their civilians and so forth. Right? The single most extreme muslim country is Saudi Arabia. Women are not allowed to even drive! On top of that, the country is known to support terrorist organisation Al Qaida.

So why is it that nobody seems to wonder why the United States of America and other western nations sell billions worth of weapons to the most extreme muslim country in the world?

Amidst all controversies, lies and wars you'd almost forget by far most people in the world are cool. Like the person who shared these behind the scenes pictures of the epic movie 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd:

Have you seen the movie? Very impressive and emotional!

A lot of people (especially men) are afraid to show their emotions. They think it's a sign of weakness to show others you can be hurt. I think it's a sign of strength to show you're human because humans make formidable opponents. It's emotions that drive us. So yes, I cried when Trevor Bolder, bass player in my favourite band, Uriah Heep and one of Ziggy Stardust's 'Spiders from Mars' died. It's only natural.

Is there anything that makes you cry?

Let me know in the comments.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, July 21, 2017

Is Trump a fascist?

Is president Donald Trump a dictator? Is his regime a fascist regime?

Fact is his administration just published private details on numerous of oppononts of his policies.
Giving Trump-supporters every means to 'deal' with people who claim Trump supporters are mostly white angry agressive stupid people.

But the US president surely doesn't encourage violence? Oh, yes, he does:

Here are 14 traits of fascism, compiled by Umberto Eco. You can check for yourself which of these apply to the Trump regime.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Can we travel in time?

Can we travel in time?

There are people who claim there's evidence of timetravel but 'they' don't want us to know. Complications aside (going back in time and killing your own grandfather before he meets your grandmother so you won't be born and thus can't travel back in time to kill you own grandfather): do you think it will ever be possible to travel back in time?

The story about the ancient watch has been (sadly) debunked: In other words: do a bit of investigating (it took me less than a minute to perform the Google search!) before you reach a conclusion on anything.

We already know we can travel into the future.
My son already knew when he was just five years old:
'We all travel into the future at a speed of one second per second.'

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I don't believe in conspiracy theories

Personally I don't believe in most conspiracy theories. However I dó believe there are conspiracies. And lots of them too. Where ever there are groups of people, people bond to form a block agains other (groups of) people. It's simply the nature of things.

Here's one I made up that could explain a lot:
What if big oil companies and people in high places in governments conspire to pollute the air and water we live from? If everything is polluted, the only way to get our hands on clean air and water is to pay for it. With labor, sex, money.

And what if real estate people, builders and people in high places in governments conspire to rage wars? Destructive wars. So whole cities need to be rebuild? Guess who will get the contracts?

Too far fetched? Remember Larry Silverstein? He made plans for a totally new WTC-7, just about a year before the building (which he owned) collapsed. Coincidence? Why would anyone design a rebuild when the 'old' building is still standing and in perfect condition? And why did mr. Silverstein have his terror insurance pay out DOUBLED just weeks before the World Trade Center Towers (which he had purchased just months before) collapsed on 9/11. And isn't it an amazing coincidence Mr. Silverstein (click) had just gotten the rights to build new towers on the spot of the old ones 'in case they would come down due to a terrorist attack'?

It's what he actually said: 'Let's pull the building.' In other words:
the building (WTC-7) was brought down on purpose (that's what 'to pull' means). So it did NOT collapse because it caught fire after it got hit by a piece of flying debris. Did you ever see a skyscraper come down because it got hit by a burning piece of debris? You never could have because that's physically impossible.

Mr. Silverstein got 'a bit of profit' out of the 9/11 terror attack: $4.55 Billion. That really is a lot of money. You would think he would have given some of that money to the families of those who died in the attack. But has he?

On the other hand: here are people doing their utmost to debunk above claims. And they really are doing a great job! Judge for yourselves (click)!

And isn't it a coincidence that mayor Guilliani was warned to go away further from the towers 'because they will come down soon' but he and the unknown inidividual who warned him 'forgot' to tell the civilians and firefighters who were still in the building? And isn't it a coincidence both Mr. Silverstein and Mr. Guiliani are close friends with the current President of the United States? Who - coincidentally of course - happens to be 'into construction and ownership of large buildings in New York'?

Yes, of course you can call all of the above 'a coincidence' but I think most things happen for a reason. What do you think?

Let me know in the comments.

Perhaps there's a conspiracy going on, making us believe in conspiracy-theories in stead of conspiracies.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, July 07, 2017

Is Climate Change a hoax?

Donald Trump says he is convinced that Climate Change is a hoax, invented by 'the Chinese' in an effort to hit the American economy. But what's the real reason Donald Trump wants America to pull out the Paris Climate Agreement? Could it have to do with the 22 senators who urged their president to withdraw? And who just happen to make a lot of money in the fossil fuel business? Coincidence. Of Course.

But isn't there anything we could do to get rid of our addiction to fossil fuels? Accept for jailing
the ones responsible for hurting our planet in excange for money? Yes, there is:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

The human equation

Every year around 98,000 people die of medical mistakes that could be easily prevented. In America alone!

So forget terrorists. When it comes down to killing civilians doctors and nurses do a much better job. Thing is - although some find it hard to believe - doctors and nurses are people. People get tired, cranky, distracted. In short: people make mistakes. And imagine yourself being a surgeon and they bring in your nasty ex who's really hurt you a lot? Would you stay professional and offer the best help you can give? Would your hands not shake?

Wouldn't it be great if people could be taken out of the equation when it concerns other people's lives? Good news! Remember Watson, the IBM computer that won Jeopardy? A similar computer program (click) can be used for medical diagnostics, reducing the chance for medical errors almost to zero. So what are we waiting for? Two things: people to stop being afraid of computers and people to stop being afraid of losing their jobs.

I wrote a piece on the subject and published it on LinkedIn (click if interested)

Want to read more of my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

If Obama had said what Trump says

What if then president Obama had told the CIA they are just a bunch of Nazi's? And when literally confronted with the highest ranking people in the intelligence agency a few days later simply state: 'When I said that, I meant the complete opposite. Of course!' I think Donald Trump would have said some harsh words directed at Barack Obama.

What do you think?

Do you - like Trump's son Eric - that Michelle Obama had access to a timemachine when she copied her speech from Melania Trump?

Mr. Trumps very first official statement to the press as president was his claim that the turnout at his inauguration was the largest in American History. 'The field was filled with people right up to the very back of the Mall.'
Well, reporter Raj Mathai stood there and shot a short video with his mobile phone while Donald Trump spoke to the crowd

(Click the link to see the video) 

Of course, politicians are known to lie. But shouldn't we worry when a president's primary concern is not the people's wellbeing but his own hurt ego?

He promised we would give 'many jobs' to 'a lot of Americans' and to put an end to immigrants taking over American jobs. So his followers must have been extremely surprised when the very second Donald Trump became President the very first actual job he created was for an immigrant.

And speaking of Melania: what was she thinking in this moment?

And I posted this question on Twitter:

The new president is known for his cheating on his wifes and his lack of respect for women. So, because pictures often say more than words, here you can see the differences between the former and the current president in how they treat their First Lady:
I know, this is 'just a moment' so to be totally cool here are a few more shots from the same batch. Just to show you picture:

Here the two couples are enjoying dinner:

Here is another picture as an example from how the two men - earlier in their careers - treat their ladies:
If you could be married to either one, which man would you prefer to be your husband?

Mr. Trump often complained that President Obama used to play golf when on vacation. 'I will never do that!' he shouted at rallys when running for president himself. 'A president is too busy to play golf!' A promise he broke by playing golf at his own weekend resort. Every single weekend of his presidency. In the first month alone of his presidency The Donald cost the American taxpayer 10% of what the Obama presidency cost them in eight years (Click). It's true.

What's NOT true is that 'all those immigrants are criminals!' But the Department of Homeland Security simply lies (click) to the American people.

And about his ties with Russia (not alleged. It's proven): I think it's more than a coincidence seven Russian diplomats suddenly died (click) in a course of several weeks when investigation started surrounding Trump's ties to Vladimir Putin. And how come Mr. Putin is the only world leader who hasn't been insulted by The Donald?

Of course mr. Trump will never ever reveal his tax returns. Simply because the truth about his businesses would come out. He will resign the presidency rather than release his taxes.  (click)

Until a few months ago people could get in direct touch with the Whitehouse to complain, talk to personnel, react to news, congratulate a president with his wife's birthday or whatever. Now, when they call, they are told the Whitehouse only communicates with 'the common people' through Facebook Messenger. Alas, the message does not provide a contact number, accountname or address. So the Trump Administration made it impossible for citizens to directly address an issue with Whitehouse staff. I wonder why...(no, I don't).

What I personally find extremely hypocrite is that the American people and their leaders (Republicans and Democrats alike) were outraged at the thought of a foreign nation interfering with their elections. If there's one country that has often interfered with other countries elections, it's the United States of America!

The things the new President Of The United States (POTUS) says appeal to a lot of people. Basically because he 'speaks their language'. Meaning he chooses his words like a twelve year old who's learning the language. Inventing words like 'bigly'. It may be the reason he does not like regular people to get a proper education. That's why he chose Dolores Umbridge Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. Who does not know the basic rules of English grammar. As shown in this tweet.
Hir first thing on the agenda: taking money away from public schools to give that money away to private schools.

The fact her family donated 200 million dollars to the Republican Party of course had nothing to do with her nomination.

The new 'leader of the free world' wants more jobs for more Americans. I'm afraid it's merely a matter of time before he says: 'Wars create jobs. Let's have more wars! It's great for the weapons industry and when lots of people are killed that creates even more jobs! A great way to kill lots of people is using nukes. We have so many of them! And so many people worked on making them! And they were so expensive! So it would be a shame not to use them! Hey, there are Muslim terrorists in Paris so let's bomb Germany!'

The Donald thinks healthcare is like buying expensive furniture: if you want it, you should pay for it.

He does not want people to receive free or 'cheap' healthinsurance so his first act as president was to repeal The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as 'Obamacare'. Yes, they're one and the same plan.

So I guess he took away the free healthcare plan from all those Republicans in his army cabinet who always voted against Obamacare. But what a surprise: he didn't!

Here's a clip that could explain a lot about the new president:

Looking forward to reading your thoughts on this. While you can still freely share your thoughts that is. And - since I wrote this earlier - if Donald Trump is still President of the United States of America.

Want to read more of my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Can only Muslims be terrorists?

When a Muslim conducts a terrorist act that is proof all Muslims are basically terrorists! Right? No. Wrong. Very wrong. When a man killed five people at an Orlando airport a lot of people simply assumed it was a Muslim terrorist attack. When it became clear the killer was not a Muslim he suddenly turned into 'a troubled young man'. Same thing in Melbourne when a man drove his car deliberately into a crowd, killing five people including a baby, a lot of people simply assumed it was a Muslim terrorist attack. When it became clear the killer was not a Muslim he suddenly turned into 'a troubled young man'.

Why is that? Did someone state that only Muslims can be terrorists? Was every Irish person a terrorist in the years the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was very active in killing people with guns and explosions? Was every Christian a terrorist when the Crusaders set out to kill everyone who refused to be converted to Christianity?

When there was a muslim terrorist attack that killed over 30 people, why did no one ad the colours of that country to their Facebook profile picture out of sympathy with the victims? Is it simply because the victims had a dark skincolour because the attack happened in Somalia? If you do want to show your support with those poor people: this is what the flag of Somalia looks like:

When the 45th president of the United States of America stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden, the night before he held his first rally for the elections of 2020, the Swedes were surprised (click). Yes, there had been an awful attack. But months earlier. And it was a bunch of white supremacists that cowardly attacked asylum seekers.  The terrorists were not Muslim refugees but 'decent white local Christians'. Yes, we have a president who clearly lies for no other reason than to make sure Muslims are hated. And he's not being impeached.

If God exists, I'm sure he would punish Trump for pretending to be a Christian. But alas:

You could read my words (and I do have more. Believe me) but perhaps it's easier if I just showed you a picture and a quote from a little girl who got killed because 'the land of the free' turned down her visa application: Anne Frank

Now, replace the word 'Jew' with 'Muslim' and try not to feel embarrased.
Good luck!


Want to read more of my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Why do we kill people?

Rules should apply to everyone and always! Yes? Apparently not. Most people can't get away with stealing 100 dollars. Yet others easily get away with stealing millions. It's illegal to kill an other person. Let alone if that person is unarmed and severely wounded. Unless the one pulling the trigger is an Israeli soldier (click) and the victim is a Palestinian who minutes before stabbed an Israeli soldier. Right?

But if we kill other people to show other people that killing people is wrong, what values are we defending?

It clearly was not a case of self defense. The shooter consciously took the decision to aim and fire, planting a bullet in the head of an already taken down enemy. Most judges would judge that to be cold blooded murder. Here's a link to the filmed incident (please do not watch if you can't stand people getting killed):

Want to read more of my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Amazing news

With all the negativity going around it's sometimes hard to see there's a lot of great people out there, doing their utmost to make other people's lives less hard. The invention of Loopwheels is just one example but for those who are willing to see it there's a lot more good news out there.

Do you know of something worth the mention? Let me know in the comments section!

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

What's you definition of freedom?

It's hard to make people understand what I mean by 'Is it okay to take away freedom in order to preserve freedom?' and 'If we're serious about having freedom, why do we take it for granted our freedom is being taken away from us and we applaud the people who do that?'

So I've come up with these (click to enlarge) so called 'Lolcats':

So what do you think? Are you truly free? Should we take other people's freedom so we can have it? What's you definition of 'freedom'?

And what's the difference between being free and only believing you are free?


Want to read my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon