Thursday, August 20, 2020

What race are you?

Yes, there are differences between different people: some have lighter skin than others while others are taller than most others. Some have a different shaped nose, while others have shorter legs. And some have a penis while others have a vagina. So?

Well, according to some they belong to a 'race' while others belong to a different 'race'. What constitutes a 'race' and why? And above all: why should one race be inferior to other races? As a child I never understood the concept and - although I've talked to several people - yes, including racists - on the matter - as an adult I still don't understand why some should be treated as inferior to others, simply based on such an arbitrary concept as 'race'.

Do you treat others as 'less' than you are, just because their jaw is more square than yours or in some other way they look different from the 'race' you identify with? Care to explain why?

It seems that to a lot of 'white' people all 'black' people look alike. Even US Senators seem to think so. Marco Rubio as well as Dan Sullivan tried to pay tribute to their colleague John Lewis and thought they posted a picture of themselves with the late civil rights hero. Nice thought. If not they posted a picture of Elijah Cummings. Who is absolutely not John Lewis. You'd think that working closely with someone for years, you would recognize them from a picture. Especially if you yourself are in that picture too. Right? Apparently not.

You'd think it's something from way back in the past to divide humankind into different races, right? Based on the concept one 'race' deserves more welfare, health and other good stuff, simply because they appear different, what makes your race superior to others? Perhaps the race you identify with is treated unfairly. Perhaps you know why. Perhaps you know why not so long ago 'the Irish' were considered a race.

'Yeah, but the Irish were never really discriminated against. That's a myth!' No, it's not (click). 

'Just look at the scientific data! There are different human races!' Nope

What if you were not defined by the colour of your skin but by the colour of your eyes?

Watch this and ask yourself again if racism is okay:

Would you like to support my work (I have read two whole articles of more than a page long and watched almost half a dozen videos so I could provide you with this information!)?  

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Saturday, August 15, 2020

5G radiation, Bill Gates and face masks


Bill Gates' mother's maiden name is Maxwell.
So she must be related to Ghislaine Maxwell who delivered young children to the pedophile ring run by Jeffrey Epstein, which means Bill Gates is a pedophile. That makes sense, right? And look! His last name consists of 5 letters and the first one is a G. What do you get? Yes, 5G!

(We all know our hero Donald Trump infiltrated in this ring of criminals to gather evidence against Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew so I won't go into that. But - and please don't tell anyone yet! - I will tell you that the mother of Bill Gates and the mother of George Soros had the same first name. Which means they are brothers and explains why Bill Gates is paid by Soros. You will not find this information if it was up to MSM. Why would they hide this fact? That could only mean it's true.)

Fortunately some were smart enough to secretly sow in little metal strips into face masks to prevent 5G radiation from entering our brains. 

'Someone' (some left wing radical (and perhaps even black too!) paid by Soros, no doubt) found out about the wire and had her 'claim' 'fact-checked' by an 'independent' (Ha! If ever anyone believes left-wing media is independent.) organisation.

This video, found on the well-known mainstream media fake news channel 'Youtube' says it's not a wire that makes 5G-radiation penetrate us through our nose and therefore - for those who are not sheep but can think for themselves - basically states the wire is there to protect us from 5G radiation. The sole reason MSM produced this video (according to my sources, produced by the same people who produced the video that's supposed to make us believe people went to the moon) is to convince us not to wear face masks.

Would you like to support my work (I have read two whole articles of more than a page long and watched almost half a dozen videos so I could provide you with this information!) or buy anti-5G face masks? Transfer your money to:


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Don't listen to the government!

With facemasks required people all over the world started screaming the government can't tell them what to do.

In the first place: yes, the government cán tell people what to do. That's basically what governments do. And it's also what we wánt governments to do. Except for those few people who would like to live in an anarchy. But won't for long because in an anarchy it's basically everyone for himself. But maybe the 'anti-maskers' would love to live (briefly) in a world where it's all about survival of the fittest and every single person has to take care of his or her own food, shelter, protection, bikelane, unemployment-benefit, healthcare, et cetera.

Second: why wouldn't you listen to the government? Should we also tell our children not to listen to their parents or teachers but 'to make up their own minds', based on their instincts and Facebook timeline?

Why are people so reluctant to listen to the government and government branches led by people with actual knowledge? What do you think?

If the government would tell you that for your own safety you shouldn't go bungee jumping with a garden hose in stead of an official bungee rope that requires all kinds of safety rules, would you not listen and go ahead anyway and take your garden hose to a local bridge?

Is the government telling you not to use violence against your kids or partner a reason for you to send your partner and kids to hospital? So why not wear a face mask? In the best case scenario you have helped save a few lives. In the worst case scenario you would have looked silly getting on the bus or go shopping.

And please, no silly arguments like 'If you wear a face mask for more than twenty minutes you would die!' That would entail that all surgeons, dentists, welders, Michael Jackson impersonators, masons, riot police officers, fire fighters and nurses are zombies. 

Due to Covid-19 I miss income from the world of entertainment. If you could spare a little something so I can get myself something nice to eat or drink, next to the stuff I get from a local foodbank, that would be much appreciated:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

It's not nice to call a racist a racist!

Freedom of speech is for everyone! Except for people who call racists racists 'because that's not nice'.

Somehow that doesn't make sense to me. It's like in 'All Lives Matter!' by which people usually don't mean all lives. But it stays unclear what they do mean. In thise case you can say everything what you want. Except that 'everything' does not mean 'everything'. But what it does mean stays unclear.

To me it's still unclear why - of all people - this one single individual is responsible for everyting 'realists' (you can't call racists racists, remember?) finds wrong in the world. What is it about George Soros that makes him 'alt-right' (you can't call racists racists, remember?) 's enemy no. 1?

This article (click) tries to explain. But I still don't get it: if every member of 'Antifa' (apparently it's a very bad thing to be anti-fascism. Okay.) is being paid by the old millionair and Jewish Holocaust survivor George Soros, just like every university (where leftist teachers indoctrinate our children and why you can only trust people to be knowledgeable about a subject when they have not studied it) single outlet of mainstream media ('MSM' for people who find it extremely difficult to read or write words that consist of more than two syllables), George Soros should have more money than Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault, Bill Gates and Waren Buffett combined.  I find that improbable, highly unlikely, impossible to believe, not very logical.

But the question's still there: why are racists (Oops! I accidentally wrote the 'r'-word. If you feel insulted: it was a joke. If you don't get it, you have no sense of humour. There. Solved it for you.) usually so very angry? By far most of them are white (yes, racists come in all shapes and colours but 'white' is dominant (...) in this group of people), meaning in general they have little to complain about. Only about 'foreigners' (people from dominantly 'white' countries are not considered foreigners but 'Norwegian brothers' or 'expats'.) who steal their jobs and are too lazy to work.

They have in common that whatever bad happens to them, they themselves are never to blame for. So when someone says it's all the fault of [insert minority of choice] they are more than willing to believe so. Is it really that simple? Yes it is. 

Bombard them with fake news (you know, through local 'news' stations owned by the Sinclair Corporation) or via Fox Entertainment Channel and soon they will believe anything that's being told to them. Even when the information that's shoved into them is contradicting. Like: 'Don't listen to everything the government tells you and Antifa should always follow the rule of law but you should never!' and 'Raise your hand if you don't want to be seen as sheeple blindly raising their hands when someone tells them to!'

The Nazi's (you know, those famous fascists who looked like the angry young white males in kaki's with the tiki torches in Charlottesville) learned that young men who don't masturbate are extremely easy to manipulate. The same trick is used by alt-right leaders who tell their new members not-masturbating makes you more manly and attractive to young women. Although the very opposite is true. But hey, who cares about facts when you have Facebook, right?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Saturday, August 01, 2020

To be together (a poem)

While you flutter in the wind
I enjoy the smell of your hair
blowing my way

Also I'd like to be the clothspin
keeping you from being carried away,
far from me, from 'us,
to never return.

Sometimes I picture us as birds,
ínvolved in a mating ritual,
mockingly circling
and flying off swiftly,
knowing to be chased.

Playing in ever shrinking circles
occassionaly slightly bigger ones.

To eventually
land simultanously
in the same open nest,
to be together. 

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon