Yes, there are differences between different people: some have lighter skin than others while others are taller than most others. Some have a different shaped nose, while others have shorter legs. And some have a penis while others have a vagina. So?
Well, according to some they belong to a 'race' while others belong to a different 'race'. What constitutes a 'race' and why? And above all: why should one race be inferior to other races? As a child I never understood the concept and - although I've talked to several people - yes, including racists - on the matter - as an adult I still don't understand why some should be treated as inferior to others, simply based on such an arbitrary concept as 'race'.
Do you treat others as 'less' than you are, just because their jaw is more square than yours or in some other way they look different from the 'race' you identify with? Care to explain why?
It seems that to a lot of 'white' people all 'black' people look alike. Even US Senators seem to think so. Marco Rubio as well as Dan Sullivan tried to pay tribute to their colleague John Lewis and thought they posted a picture of themselves with the late civil rights hero. Nice thought. If not they posted a picture of Elijah Cummings. Who is absolutely not John Lewis. You'd think that working closely with someone for years, you would recognize them from a picture. Especially if you yourself are in that picture too. Right? Apparently not.
You'd think it's something from way back in the past to divide humankind into different races, right? Based on the concept one 'race' deserves more welfare, health and other good stuff, simply because they appear different, what makes your race superior to others? Perhaps the race you identify with is treated unfairly. Perhaps you know why. Perhaps you know why not so long ago 'the Irish' were considered a race.
'Yeah, but the Irish were never really discriminated against. That's a myth!' No, it's not (click).
'Just look at the scientific data! There are different human races!' Nope.
What if you were not defined by the colour of your skin but by the colour of your eyes?
Watch this and ask yourself again if racism is okay:
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