Quiz question: how many people where killed by trans people? Close to zero. So why are people afraid of trans people? On the other hand: people who changed gender somewhere in the course of their lives have all the more reason to be afraid of people who are afraid of them: Dozens of transgender and non-binary people get killed a year. In America alone. Hundreds more are beaten. Thousands more are being discriminated against.
Here's a list of reasons The People (meaning stupid, white conservatives) are afraid of and the respective number of people that actually die from said reasons, worldwide:
Transgenderism: zero (Not counting suicides amongst them and the killing of transgenders)
Homosexuality: zero (Not counting gay people being murdered because they are gay)
Bisexuality: zero
Having dark skin: zero (It's a misconception that people with dark skin are dangerous because they have dark skin)
Sharks: eight (approximately on average a year. Worldwide)
Wearing facemasks: three. Maybe. Tops.
Vaccins: twenty. (Based on the three people in America who most likely died because of an anti-covid vaccin)
Communism: zero ('Communism' doesn't kill people, some communists kill people)
Socialism: zero (See above)
Islam: zero (See above)
Antifa: ten (No hard figures can be found but it's possible that people got killed in 'antifa' riots)
Terrorism: 16,000 (including 300+ by white, rightwing extremists. In America alone)
Now that we have established that the reasons Trump-supporters, racists, anti-vaxxers, covidiots and other dumb people are afraid are really not that lethal, let's look at what dóes kill people. Approximately and worldwide:
Heart disease: 12 million
Hunger: 8,5 million
Stroke: 5 million
Obesity: 4,5 million
COPD: 2,5 million
Covid-19: 2,2 million
Respiratory infections: 2 million
Flu: 650,000
Malaria: 600,000
With Covid-19 being the number one cause of death in America and number three in Europe, one can't help to wonder: why are conservatives more afraid of wearing a facemask (three deaths a year) than they are of catching Covid-19 (over 2 million deaths a year)?
Perhaps we shouldn't worry about wars (they didn't even make it into the top ten of causes of death!) and not even Covid-19, although it ranks number five. Perhaps we should worry about the food lobby putting way too much sugar, fat and salt in our food.
Besides all that's mentioned: what is really the most dangerous thing we can do? I'll give you a second to think about that.
The answer is: being born. You see, everyobody who does that eventually dies.
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