Saturday, March 30, 2024

Our Train (a #poem)

Closing in on the end
the beginning got lost
you found the path

while I missed the right turn
and left
for a new fork in the road
and a knife cut through my soul
while you held my heart
because we missed 
our train 


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, March 28, 2024

Do you buy consciously?

Spanish fashion brand Zara claims to be innocent and just 'accidentally' designed a bag with a swastika, a shirt that resembles the shirts worn by Jewish concentration camp prisoners and purely 'accidental' published an advertisement that just happened to resemble the situation in Gaza after attacks by the Israeli Defence Force, including a cardboard cut out that purely 'accidental' resembles Palestine. 

That's an awful lot of coincidences for one of the best marketing teams in the world. For a brand that is known to make money thanks to slave labour.

Do you think about stuff like this when you buy something or don't you care?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Broken (a #poem)

Before you cry,
don't try 
to leave

Play some more,
my feelings are yours
but only on a lease

So please

Be careful
for my heart may be yours
but it can be broken


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Do you care?

Most people prefer to be heard instead of to listen. They care more about others caring for them then they care about other people. Dating profiles with 'I want to get to know you' get far more likes, swipes, hearts and thumbs ups than profiles stating: 'These are my interests; do you want to get to know me?'

Most people think they are far more interesting and complex than other people. And they are right, of course. If you consider that it's a sign of being a profound human being knowing who scored the winning goal for FC Barcelona or Fresno State in that one important match in 2014. 

Why should knowledge of football be less important than knowing basic facts on climate change, who the people are who pay billions for the spread of fake news and other propaganda or who the President of Argentina is?

I think it's more important to have knowledge of politics, economics and physics than of sports and celebrities. The more people know how the world turns, the bigger the chance they think before they vote in general elections and the higher the chances the Earth and humankind can be saved from catastrophy.

If you still wonder why those in power ('The elite' to people who know more about tv-shows than about economics. And spelling) love the uneducated, just ask yourself why 'the church' didn't want the people to be able to read the Bible themselves. And simply re-wrote big chunks of the Bible to better suit the needs of the clerics and nobility. 

Enlightened people called for separation of Church and State; stupid people are led to believe the Bible should replace the US Constitution.

Do you believe in science and common sense or do you put your faith (...) in demagogues and power hungry elitists who re-wrote the Bible in the 17th Century?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Same (a #poem)

It's when you dance
that you move
without going somewhere

Why should you want to move
when you're okay
being where you are?

If we want to move,
can we blame others
for wanting the same?


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thank God for the Allies! Right?

You have seen the pictures of starving children. Bombed, driven from their homes and starved to death by an evil group of people whose sole goals was to exterminate a large group of people for the 'crime' of 'being different':
The Allies - succesfully - fought this inhuman genocide and helped these people to find a new home. By shipping the survivors to a dessert in the Middle East. And vowed 'Never again!'

But it ís happening again. This picture of a young child dying from starvation was not taken in 1944. It was taken in 2024. 

Yazan al-Kafarneh and tens of thousands of other children are being bombed and starved to death by people claiming to be 'the Übermensch'. Do you think the allies should help again?

Good news: they are. Less good news: this time around the allies are helping the murderers.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Saturday, March 09, 2024

Down he Went (a #CirclePoem)

Down he went 
Into the Dark
To save her 
From damnation
Did someone just
light a match?

He couldn't see
but smelled the sulfur

If this was Hell
Where was 
the screaming
of tormented souls?

Blind and deaf
He continued on his quest
Down he went 


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, March 07, 2024

These people are responsible for the rise in antisemitism

Some 3000 years ago the Israelites lived on the land of Canaan. They decided the land was theirs and not the Canaanites' and slaugthered their hosts 'because Canaanites are barbaric people!'. 

Zionists prefer to say: 'God made us do it!'

Did He? 

"Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.” A similar command is given concerning the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15:2–3." 

Above quote is from this article

For those still wondering why the people of Palestine won't accept Netanyahu's offer for 'peace'. It's the exact same offer Putin handed to Zelensky:

"The standard procedure for battling a city was to first extend terms of peace (Deuteronomy 20:10). If the terms were accepted, the people of that city lived and became subservient to Israel (verse 11)"

The Canaanites were slaughtered 'because God promised their land to the Israelites'. That was 3000 years ago. On to modern times:

A young man was shot. His crime? He walked on when a border patrol officer told him to walk on.

"Every Palestinian must die because every Palestinian supports Hamas!"

According to Israel's President, Isaac Herzog, every Gazan citizen is responsible for the H@mas attacks on October 7th 2023. As if every German was a nazi. 

Support for any organisation is never a valid reason to simply execute people. 

Only in fascist dictatorships people are executed without interference by a judge. Civilised people use a justice system to deal with crime.

A 'civilised' war is fought between two armies. In how many pictures and videos, proudly shared by the brave 'soldiers' of the IOF, have you seen a single H@mas tank, attack helicopter or even a single fighter with a gun? 

This is not a war. This is setting fire to an ant hill after one of the little buggers bit you after you stomped on his house and demolished it. 

Next to that it's simply not true that every Palestinian supports Hamas.
"Yes, but they voted for Hamas to lead them!"

By that logic every US citizen stood by Trump when he was president. And every American supports Joe Biden because 'they' voted for him as president and every German was a fan of Hitler 'because they voted for him!"

Simple question (just answer with yes or no): Did you vote for the current leaders of your country?
Even simpler question: If you have bad leaders, does that give a foreign faction the right to slaughter you and your children?

But is it true? Does every Palestinian support H@mas? No.

Did every Palestinian vote for H@mas at the last elections (in 2006)? Even this man?

Babies, children and teenagers did not vote for H@mas in 2006. "Yeah, but their parents did!" No, that's a lie as well. Even in that part of the world people have to be at least 18 to be eligible to vote. Meaning surviving Palestinians have to be at least in their forties to have voted for H@mas in 2006. 

Zionists are ruining things for Jews just like Creationists, the KKK and Evangelicals are ruining things for Christians.

"Yeah, but according to the Bible the land was promised to the Jews!"

With every (old) story: a part being real is not evidence of the whole story being 'the truth!'
Hate to bring it to you but the quote on which zionists base their claim on the land roughly translates to: 'This land is promised to Abraham and all his descendants.' Now ask a zionist if only Jews are descendants of Abraham.

In short: yes, all Jews - even those who later converted to Judaism - are descendants of Abraham. So are all Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Taoists...virtually everybody alive today.

Even 'those filthy Arabs!' that zionists would love to see wiped of the face of the Earth.

"That's only your opinion!" No, zionists say so themselves:

From a young age many Jews are indoctrinated: many Jews believe 'The Promised Land' was empty before European countries shipped them out of Europe after World War 2.

Zionist hate Muslims and are not the only ones who think all Muslims should be murdered:

Just like when Jews were oppressed, prosecuted and murdered, most people worldwide don't really care when Muslims are being slaughtered. Do you?

Zionists also hate Christians:

Being against Netanyahu and other zionists does not make someone an antisemite. Just like being against Trump or Biden doesn't make someone anti-American. 

Even orthodox Jews compare zionism to nazism.

Zionists are not stopping at Palestine in their effort to rid the world of all Muslims. They recently started bombing civilians in Lebanon. My guess is that Egypt is next on the list of the zionists' plan to create a Great Jewish Empire. Egyptian Jews are already terrified of the antisemitic atmoshpere created by the zionists.

"Yeah, but you sympathise with Palestinian children!" Yes, anyone who doesn't is not a civilized human being. But sympathising with hungry children doesn't make me antisemetic. See this item on the local situation by reporter Lama Jamous.

Zionists are to Judaism what ISIS is to Islam.

Why do you think antisemitism is on the rise?

Is it because the Zionists and their worshipped ancestors are such a peaceful and friendly people, that today it's hard to find a single trace of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Jebusite and Amalekites?

Since 'the God of Love' apparently ordered the Israelites to kill every breathing being in Canaan, that might explain why the zionists started to target Lebanon since bombing Palestine has become pointless after destroying virtually every manmade structure in the area. Scientists recently discovered descendants from the Caänites might be living in present day Lebanon. Tadaa!

Why do you think the zionists have literally aimed their arrows at Lebanon?


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Saturday, March 02, 2024

In the Distance (a #CirclePoem)

In the distance,
singing voices are trying
to break through the storm
to be a beacon
for travelers lost in the dark

or to lure them
into comfort
to be food for the ever hungry
who can never have enough
as they wait for us
in the distance 


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
A donation (click) is much appreciated: