Wednesday, August 28, 2019

All illegal aliens should leave the planet!

When people say they don't want people to enter the USA illegally, do they really don't know that the only way to actually enter and apply for citizenship is to physically cross the border and fill out the required paperwork?

For people from countries like Norway and Canada immigration seems a whole lot easier than for people who are from Honduras or Mexico. I wonder why that is.

And why do some think building a wall across the Mexican border prevents Mexicans from taking a plane flight to Canada and simply cross the border there?

And who will pluck the American tomatoes if all underpaid Mexicans have returned to Mexico?

What if the native Americans had strict immigration laws? Would the country now be run by Chief Sitting Bull VII? And would people complain about the government being so harsh on those poor white Europeans who simply want to have a better life for themselves across the ocean after their harvest failed in Ireland, there was a big flood in The Netherlands or they are Jews trying to get away from Hitler?

All who entered America before 1875 were welcome and could simply enter without much hassle. After that, immigration laws where put into place. Because those who got there first wanted to keep everything they stole from the natives to themselves and their families.

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