Above statement is also known as 'GOP-logic': the preferred kind of logic of American conservatives who think arming teachers is going to prevent kids from being shot.
But the answer to the next question is left unanswered: if arming more people wil prevent more people from getting shot, weren't guns allowed at the NRA-meeting were Vice President Pence spoke (click) or at Trump rallies?
By the way, when 'open carry' laws allowed members from the Black Panther movement to walk around with guns, Republicans under Reagan were very quick with implementing the Mulford Act for stricter gun control. Furthermore: gun control was very normal in the old wild west: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gun-control-old-west-180968013/
But hey, please don't let facts get in the way of the fears people accept as facts.
Apparently all recent mass shooters were
And if playing a video game really inspires people to do in real life as they do in the game, how come - with millions of people playing FIFA 97 - there are relatively few professional football players in the world? I have played Civilisation for hundreds of hours but never once in the real world tried to build my own genocidal empire.
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