Wednesday, September 11, 2019


'If it's God's will my child dies, He will call my child.' This is the main reason for religious people not to have their children vaccinated against common diseases as smallpocks and measles. 'Besides, I heard vaccinating can cause autism and it makes sense because almost everyone who has autism was vaccinated as a child.'

Besides from chosing between a dead child and one with autism (I know what kind of child I'd prefer to raise) I usually ask questions like: 'If you drive your kid to school, do you make him or her wear seatbelts?' The surprising answer is: 'Yes of course because I don't want my child to get hurt!'

So far no one has been able to explain this double standard to me: 'Yes, we want to protect our children and no, we leave their lives in the hands of God.' Except for the usual response I get when I talk about this subject: 'Those religious people are stupid, crazy or both'.

In words: what poses a greater risk for children: not having them vaccinated with a great chance they will die from a easily preventable disease of have them vaccinated with a tiny chance they will later on suffer from autism?

What's your  take on this?

By the way: the 'fact' that vaccinating causes autism? That myth is debunked (click). By a study paid for by...the anti-vaxxer movement.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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