Apparently people who vote don't always care about the candidate they vote for. All that matters is that he - in America anyway- is either Trump or - at a more local level - pro-Trump. So David Andahl got chosen as a House Representative. The people who elected this man did not seem to care the candidate of their choice was dead. Of course, being dead is a mere detail. What counts is that by voting you show the world you support Donald Trump, no matter wat. By the way: he died from COVID.
And those voters are not the only ones involving dead people into their belief that Trump is the chosen one and must be defended always and at all costs.
People are willing to lose all credibility just to catch a glimpse of Mr. Trump smiling at them.
Sydney Powell looks and sounds as if she's reading a ransom note: 'Please daddy, if you don't say mr. Trump won the elections those people behind me will torture me!' Perhaps she said a dead president is behind Trump losing to alert the people watching she is being held hostage.
She used to defend Mike Flynn but was recently added to the =====================================================
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