Monday, December 21, 2020

Why do we eat plastic?

We have known for a while that plastic is found everywhere. Ever since its invention - just a few decades ago - it has taken over the world. There is literally no place in the world where you don't find plastic. Recently it was even found in the Mariana Trench!

Scientists have found microplastics not only there but even near the top of the Mount Everest. That climbers where sloppy with leaving their trash at this beautiful place was already known. They even leave their dead friends!

It looks like there are people who don't care about nature or animals or even about other people. But perhaps they would start caring about the crazy amount of plastics when they realize they themselves eat the stuff unwillingly:

Ingesting plastics had been linked to obesity and reproductive issues. So maybe it's time something is done about the problem. It shouldn't be too hard because until a few decades ago we did fine without the stuff.

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