Thursday, May 06, 2021

Your opinion is not a fact

God put dinonaur bones in the soil to test our faith, homosexuals are children of satan and all teachers are paid by Soros, except for teachers at private schools. Unemployed people are all lazy. Except dad because foreigners stole his job. And granddad because he's a pensioner.

Personally I find it hard to comprehend that there are actually people out there who believe this nonsense. 

Usually those same people believe guns are invented for protection and not for killing.

What really worries me is that they teach this rubbish to their children.

Sometimes I feel have enough energy to enter a discussion with one of these people. More often than not they start calling me names as soon as they run out of arguments. Which is always pretty quick.

It's okay to believe what you want to believe of course but not when it's harmful and damaging to our planet, our children and other people.

I'm at a loss for finding a solution. How do you convince people that 'their own opinion' which they found on Facebook is not a fact?

Of course we could stop people the likes of father and son Murdoch (Fox 'News', the New York Times, et cetera) from spreading false narratives and I guess that wouldn't be a waste of bullits. But it would probably make matters only worse: their followers would most likely take to the streets and kill anyone whom they think doesn't agree with their Führers.

Of course science isn't always right. At least it is until new research proves it's wrong. According to science it was once believed the human body could not cope with speeds over 35k/ph. And once smoking was considered a good thing 'because it makes your lungs work harder'. So, we learn. And should learn. And continue to learn. But never ever stand still at a premisse and keep on believing what our parents, teachers, guru's or favourite media channel taught us to be true.

There's scientific (...) research on what makes people believe obvious nonsense and how to talk them out of it. Here's a clip on that:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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