Friday, July 23, 2021

Extreme weather

Examples of climate change are wreaking havoc all over the world right now. 

From torrential downpours to floods and wildfires, extreme weather is bearing down on regions across the globe.

Of course we could deny climate change. For some reason a lot of people have chosen to do so. But probably not so many in these areas:

Yes, the climate changes. That's a natural phenomenon. But it used to take Mother Nature some 10,000 years to drastically change a weather pattern in certain areas of the world. But now, thanks to human internvention, it's merele a question of decades for drastic changes in weather. Are we prepared? Not really. Tens of thousands of people will die and whole towns will perish. Like Lytton, Canada.
Who would think that a town in Canada would ever record one of the highest temperatures worldwide?

Perhaps it's time we put aside our differences and focus on the one thing that concerns us all: combating climate change.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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