Thursday, February 10, 2022

Only kids and conservatives live in the Upside Down World

Neo-nazi's, racists, fascists, misogynists, other words: people on the 'right' spectrum politically seem to live - like young children like to play - in 'the upside down world':

When they say: 'We demand democracy!', they mean they want to live in a country with a single strong (and male!) leader who decides for all and everyone should follow him like sheep. A school example is Dutch populist Geert Wilders and his 'democratic' Freedom Party, PVV (Partij Voor de Vrijheid=Party for Freedom) who doesn't want to be known that people of colour, women, handicapped and even Jews cannot become a member of his 'democratic because every member has a vote!' party. As a matter of fact: nobody can. PVV only has two members: Geert Wilders and the foundation 'Friends of the PVV', whose chairman and only member is...can you guess it?

With: 'Free speech!' they mean that people who don't agree with their Great Leader ('Führer' in German) should not be allowed to say what they want.

Funnily enough by shouting 'Antifa is bad!' 'realists' literally state they consider themselves to be fascists. Because 'antifa' stands for 'anti-fascism'.

When they organize a 'peaceful' demonstration, you know they will throw bricks, set cars on fire and assault policemen. What would they really mean by 'Blue lives matter!'?

Although they claim to strongly oppose criminal behaviour, a lot of people who break the law turn out to be conservatives.

They like to claim to be anti-drugs, yet they are known for their abuse of alcohol and other drugs

Conservatives are hypocrites when they say porn, homosexuality and sex with minors is really, really bad: they watch more porn (click) than any other group of people, tend to be more sexually attracted to minors (click) and a surprising number is secretly gay (click).

They never question their Great Leader yet call other people 'sheep'.
When you ask them for their 'own opinion', they simply quote their Dear Leader or the headline of an article on a conservative channel.

They really seem to think 'I do my own research' means watching videoclips spread by populists and crazy people.

People who actually do research and think for themselves, conservatives call 'stupid'.

When they say 'Everbody should always obey the rules!', by default they mean: 'I refuse to obey the rules!'

What are other signs do you know of that tell sane people that 'realists' live in The Upside Down World'?

Leave your examples in the comments.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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