Saturday, July 30, 2022

We fall (a poem)

Running away from what you're looking for
you see me, looking for you.
Or so I imagine.

You stop and smile
and tell me you've been found
and together we run
away from nothing

Until we hit reality
or it hits us
and together we stand,
united we fall


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Religious people are more often than not hypocrites

These days people seem to have no more time to read lenghty, informational articles. Hence I decided to create memes. Since around two years I use the online application Imgflip. Because it's easy and convenient and memes are easily categorized.

Apparently someone noticed I like to expose religious hypocrisy and made me a co-moderator for the stream called Heathen Refuge. I keep being surprised by how many people who state they are christian, muslim or buddhist don't live by the words of their favourite deity/guru/preacher. Why are people so hypocrite?

Here's one of the memes in that particulair stream:
Just counting the sheer number of people being killed, the christian 'God of love' wins from the devil by a humongous margin: Satan killed some 10 people; God killed millions. Purely our of his neverending love for our species, no doubt.

And here's one I created myself:
After the overturning of Roe vs Wade, nice, white, 'christian' couples claimed they are willing to adopt unwanted babies. But only if they are cute, just born, white and not handicapped. Or is there maybe some other reason why white 'Christians' won't adopt one of the over 400,000 children waiting for adoption in one of the many American orphanages? 

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, July 23, 2022

All twelve seconds (a short story)

While he admired
the reflection of the setting sun
in her shades
she lifted them
to reveal her eyes
and blink at him
as he blinked at her

when he caught her
taking a secret picture of him
hoping he would notice

she rewarded him
with the bestest smile ever
and he enjoyed every single moment 
of the encounter

all twelve seconds

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why stop immigration?

Some of the loudest advocates for stopping foreigners at the border are of foreign descent themselves. Perhaps they don't want more racist idiots like themselves in the country?

In England there was Nigel Farage who - from his villa in France and while being married to a German woman - instigated Brexit. Leading to an enormous shortage of labour and England now offering foreigners nice incentives to please come live and work in England. A fine example, Nigel Farage: of French and German descent and being married several times with having several mistresses on the side. Apparantly that's 'the true British norm!' Whatever.

In The Netherlands we have Thierry Baudet. Of French (d'oh!) descent and his great grandmother was born in Indonesia. Mister Baudet was caught stating in an internal app group within his 'Forum of Democracy': 'You don't want your sister to come home with a negro, do you? Ha ha!'. At first he denied it to later admit 'It was just a joke. I'm not racist at all but just like to make fun of people who have a darker colour skin than I do because I know whites are superior.' Or something along those lines.

Tens of thousands of Dutch fled the Netherlands in the fifties and sixties in search for a financially better life in Canada, Australia or the US. Where their (grand)children (now called DeVos and Vanderbilt instead of De Vos and Van der Bilt) love to complain about economic refugees coming to America. The irony.

More than a few originated from the Dutch East-Indies and left that Dutch colony when it gained independence and became Indonesia.

Speaking or Indonesia: the mother of Geert Wilders from the 'Party for Freedom' was born in the largest Muslim nation in the world and when Wilders stated 'F*ck those people from the Eastern Block who don't work but come to live of our taxpayers money!' he wasn't joking but married an unemployed Hungarian woman.  

In 'the land of the free!' nationalists with names like Woshohwski, Weynschenk, Bauer, Doornik, Muller, Rodriguez and Williams were delighted to have a president who wasn't afraid to show their racism, hypocrisy and stupidity. Afterall: his grandfather was a German entrepeneur* and his mother was Scottish so his skin colour looked white. Just like they imagine theirs looks like.

*Frederick Trump was a draft dodger. Staying in his home in Bavaria would meant he'd have to enlist. So he fled, seeking a better life in America. Where he started a brothel during the Klondike gold rush and started buying and selling real estate. Draft dodger, hookers, gold, swindler. Sound familiar?

US Representative Lauren Boebert is of German descent. At a party where she was hired to entertain the guests as a *ahem* 'girl you could call to entertain male guests in their hotelroom', she met with Ted Cruz who helped her to become a politician. To further her career in politics she decided to switch her affiliation from 'Democrat' to 'Republican' and started calling herself 'Christian'. Next to 'Lauren'. 

Ted Cruz is a 'white' nationalist ashamed he was not born in America and is actually called Raphaël, a name given to him by his Cuban father. He and some other politicians are probably afraid Lauren Boebert will publish her big book with clients names from the time she worked while being on her knees 'where I'm strongest', according to one of her own tweets.

One day, when one of his children runs for Senator, they may state 'I'm proud to be Cuban!'. Just like provocateur Bill O'Reilly loves to state he is 'proud to be Irish!'. Even though he wasn't born in Ireland, neither were his parents and Irish were called 'a different race' and treated as second hand citizens in America, well into the seventies.

Reading albout all those American racists of foreign descent I think it might not be a bad idea to stop foreigners from entering the USA. Retroactively please.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Forever (a poem)

Cleaning out my house
before I go on one last journey
I miss my bed sheets smelling like you

Of course I miss my spouse
and I still hate the attorney
but it's time for something new

Last time we met
was in my bed
and you were still wet

from the shower
we took together
knowing it wouldn't last


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Smart phones make us stupid

We are lost without are smartphones. Literally. Like in the case of a friend who drove from his hometown to work in a different town for three days a week for two years when one day he called from another town: 'Hey, my navigation app isn't working, so I got lost and will be an hour or so late.' Driving the exact same route 300 times, relying on his navigation app, made it impossible for him to drive the same route for a 301st time. True story.

Several studies seem to point at the fact that our average IQ has been steadily shrinking since the introduction of the first smartphones. That could be a coincidence (perhaps 'they' really control us via chemtrails!) of course but think about it: how many phone numbers do you know by heart, compared to 15 years ago? If you've driven to your cousin's new home six months ago, could you drive there today without opening your navigation app?

We've come to use our smart devices to take over some of our brain functions and - just like with muscles - if braincells are not used, they deteriorate. And eventually disappear. Making it easier for people who control our online lives (looking at you, Zuck, Bill, the lovely people at Google HQ and the handful of people who control most media) to control our brains.

Honestly I don't know what's more alarming: that a study (click) proved that smartphone use makes children rely less on their brain and therefore makes them less intelligent or that it took US researchers several years and $300,000,000 to reach such an obvious conclusion.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Life in the Big City (a poem)

Soothing Arabic music
seeps through the bedroom walls.
Children outside chatter away in Turkish
and a couple across the street
argues in Polish.

My Hungarian neighbour
treated me to her lovely smile yesterday
and my late Chinese neighbour
poured some excellent tea.

We didn't understand eachother
but knew what was said.
And not said.
Making us both feel unsad.
If even for a little while.

A Kenyan, a Malinese and an Algerian friend 
helped me with a better understanding of French
and I have a nice friendship
with a neighbour
who is from Indonesia.

So yes,
I love life in the big city


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Thursday, July 07, 2022

What do we mean by 'the world'?

6 People shot in the US? Front page news. 2 People stabbed in the UK? Front page news. A few people almost drowned after heavy rain in The Netherlands? Front page news. To no one's surprise Ukraine wins the Eurosong contest? Front page news. 

Hundreds of people a year die from starvation or Saudi bombings in Yemen? Zilch. Millions in the Middle East flee their homes because of floodings and/or draughts? Crickets. Dozens die in bombings in Syria? The hearing aids of western media weren't charged. 

Western students are seldom taught about African philosophers or about the great scholars and scientists (click) from the ancient Middle East and Arab cultures. And what do 'we' know about The Separation? Et cetera. It's sad. And bad. 

You probably heard of Mao, Hitler and Stalin, right? In number of people killed under their ruling they form the top three of most lethal dictators. But did they tell you in school that the 'honour' of being number four on the list of most ruthless dictators goes to a king of Belgium? Yet it is true (click). 

When western explorers 'discovered' a river in Africa or South America, they got to name it. Even though the river was already given a name by the local population. Just imagine someone from Nigeria having a drawing made with him standing on the banks of the Rhein River, with his white guides just outside the frame. Would you accept it if someone from outside England would simply claim he discovered the River Thames and named it Gulu (click) and that name would stick with the international community?

But in western science books a discovery apparently can only be made by white, western men. On occassion a woman is mentioned as a great scientist. Provided she's white and her husband was of standing of course. 

'Yeah, but that was in the old days! We aren't so misogynist anymore!' Sure. That's why ten publishers turned down Joanne Rowling's manuscript about a young wizard and she wasn't taken seriously until she started signing her letters with 'J.K. Rowling'. 

You may even believe it if I told you that the author of The Three Musketeers was a white dude. But you'd be wrong. Since his grandmother was a former Haitian slave - of unknown African decent - Alexandre Dumas (click) was of mixed race.
Here's an other picture of someone with a dark skin colour:
Recognize her?
She is 'only' one of the best known African philosophers. Sophie Oluwole was from Nigeria and compared the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates with the ancient African philosopher Orunmila and...but wait, let her explain herself:

It's sad, really, but for many people it's an eye opener to learn that not every 'famous philosopher' is a white male.

We may not always realize, but 'the world' also entails South America, Africa and Asia

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

Saturday, July 02, 2022

Ravenous (a poem)

Everywhere I went
I felt your absense
Even when we stood together
on a broken bridge
in an ancient but future city
on the edge of it all

Which was also the beginning
because the bridge united
flying cars and hungry people

To fly without destination
is like being hungry for love
But thanks to you
I am no longer


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated: