Thursday, February 29, 2024

Is it smart to 'ghost' people?

"Of course I didn't ghost the guy on Tinder! I'm not a mean woman! I was just not really interested so decided not to respond to his messages for a couple of months."

It's amazing how people defend their anti-social behaviour. It's never their fault but the blame always lies with someone else. Or it's because they have been 'busy'. Yeah, with stating on social media how busy they are, watching Netflix, sending clickbait articles from Bored Panda to their friends and posting three pictures or reels on Instagram so they can call themselves 'Social Media Content Manager.' Or - even worse - 'influencer'.

'If you weren't interested in the guy, why did you sent him a picture of you in a see through top with three X's in the message that read 'Can't wait to CU IRL soon.' 'I was drunk and bored and thought he looked kind of cute.'

'So you weren't busy, as you first claimed, but when you sobered up simply backed down?' 'Yes. Also I didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings by telling him I was just horny at the time but really not actually interested.'

'So you decided to ghost him instead? How thoughtful!'

'I didn't ghost him! Why are you so mean to me? I just decided not to respond to his messages.'

'What's your definition of 'ghosting'?'

'Not replying to someone's messages on purpose. But that's something I would never do because that's cruel and unnecessary. I just deliberately not responded to his messages.'

'You do know that 'deliberately' is simply another word for 'on purpose?'

'Stop harassing me! I'll tell my boyfriend you sexually assaulted me!'

'Good. Let's call him and show him your Tinder messages to unknown guys you find hot.'

Of course not all people are like this and it's not only straight women who show this kind of behaviour. But a lot of people are really, really selfish. And stupid. Unless they love not having real friends. In that case their behaviour is smart.

Do you know selfish people? Do you consider them friends?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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