Thursday, August 31, 2023

What's important?

I don't often get complaints about my memes (click). Of course I sometimes make a spelling error. Not just because English is not my native language but also because I'm easily distracted. According to some I make mistakes because I have 'a busy head' and doctors have called it 'somewhere in the spectrum of ADD, maybe ADHD or autism.'. 


Yes, people don't always agree with the statements I make in my memes. But that's really my whole point of creating them: to start a discussion containing more than a few soundbites. To learn and to teach. To understand and to progress as a human being.

Most of my memes deal with politics. Because literally everything in our lives is politics.
Credit (click) to photographer Antonio Guillem and the models in this photo

That fact got me this complaint:

This was my response to 'Shady, the Rap God', probably (based on the memes he likes and creates himself (click)) a bored teen who likes Eminem, gaming and Spongebob:

I know, right? While almost everything else is much more important than politics. Liking posting pictures of Spongebob smoking pot, showing people the new costume of a video game character, stating how bored you are in school and all that other hilarious and really, really important stuff. But politics? Nah. That just deals with school, healthcare, your dad's car, housing, agriculture, infrastructure, the planet, fastfood, online gaming...

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
A donation (click) is much appreciated:

Of course teens have other interests than adults but don't they teach children in school that literally everything in our lives is politics?
How fast we can drive, the width of our housedoors, equal rights, the percentage of salt and sugar in (fast) food and drinks, education, taking care of the planet, et cetera.

Are you interested in politics aka everything in our lives? If not, why is that?

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