Thursday, November 16, 2023

It can't be a coincidence! Yes, it can.

Conspiracy theorists have one thing in common: they don't have a clue what 'causality' means. 

Most of them are lazy too and simply repeat what they heard other conspiracy theorists say.

Simply sticking two pieces of data together and stating they are connected doesn't mean you 'have woken up', 'looked it up' or 'did your own research'. It just means you're stupid.

I made up the above samples, here's one doing the rounds amongst simple people who believe right wing populists stating they are fighting pedophiles:

'His last name translates to 'sugar mountain'. That must mean he lures children with candy and piles their dead bodies in front of his pedo Cabal friends in a huge mountain! Right? It just can't be a coincidence!'

Why are 'wappies' (MAGA-people, Q-fans, Karens, anti-vaxxers, racists, etc) so stupid and gullible they believe anything that's popular in their narrow minded bubble?


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