Thursday, January 02, 2025

Every accusation is a confession

No, this is not about the Israeli army acusing H4mas to use human shields while doing it themselves by having their headquarters in the middle of a densely populated urban area and by forcing P4lestinian civilians to walk in front of their shiny, US taxpayers sponsored, tanks. 

Nor is it about their wild stories about pregnant women (warning: distressing) being cut open by terrorists and they can't mention those women's names without admitting the atrocity was common practice among IOF soldiers doing that to P4lestinian women.

This piece also isn't about the right accusing the left of being grifters.

No, it's about US conservatives blaming 'the left' for the corruption of children, sexual 'weirdness' and nazi sympathies. A fine example of a Republican being and doing exactly what his kind accuse the left of, is Luitenant Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson. On a p0rn platform he proudly admitted to being 'a black n4zi!' and having a preference for watching 'trans porn'. He also called Martin Luther King 'a f* commie b4stard!' 

Although Republicans admire H!tler and Mark Robinson's wife literally stole girl scout cookies, Republicans still blame dragqueens, homo- and transsexuals for being bad people. 

Can you give three examples of a dragqueen stealing cookies from girl scouts or from having n4zi sympathies?

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