Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Amazing people

People are amazing! Not always of course but fact is that that are some truly amazing people out there. They are here to help us understand the world around as a little better or help others to live with their disabilities.

For instance: the Glassouse helps people to use a computer. Even if they have no hands!

Millions of people hold the strong believe the 'original' Europeans have been 'pure' and 'white' since the days of unrecorded history. This idea is based on nothing even remotely scientific but only expresses fear of anything that and anyone who is 'different'. Here's the full story on that:

Yes, it's true: even your ancestors were immigrants!
Isn't that good to know? Since basically everyone is (a descendant from an) immigrant we don't have to fear immigrants anymore! It would mean we are afraid of ourselves!

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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