Monday, January 11, 2021

Why did anyone ever think Donald Trump would make a great president?

Most elderly who would move, think, say and write like he does
would be institutionalised
It's okay to make stupid statements but from a president people expect he will have practiced his speech or had at least mastered the art of reading from a teleprompter:
In 1968 Republicans stated everyone who even looks at a Russian is a communist and should be put in jail. Or be hanged. In 2019 the same people say it's okay for their president to take orders from Russia.
Trump supporters in general support 'strong leadership'. By which they mean dictators.
Like this guy wearing a 'Pinochet did nothing wrong' t-shirt.
Trump may not be a nazi, his fanbase seems to think he is their Führer.
The last couple of years he has said some really amazingly stupid things:
But his fans simply chose the smartest among them:
Magats seem to be scared that by sharing their rights they will lose them.
Facts don't matter much to Trumpians. As a matter of fact (...), facts are considered a nuisance.
Information doesn't need to be real to them. As long as the info is presented as a fact, they will believe it. Even when they know for a fact (...) it can't be right.
When social media bans them or removes their posts, they like to scream: 'But my free speech!'
'Free speech' simply means you can't be jailed for making your statements. It doesn't mean a private company (social media, your local bar) can't ban you for saying stupid, racist things.
The people who bought $20 'Made in China' MAGA hats often behave like cult members.
Sometimes they even seem possessed:
Are they themselves so angry or is it the demon inside them?

There's an organisation called 'Proud Boys'
that acts like Trumps stormtroopers.
I googled a picture of them but am confused now:
Are these the 'Proud Boys' that see Trump as their Führer
or the gay men who though it'd be funny to hijack the hashtag #ProudBoys? 

And how come so many of them find it hard to read and understand simple facts?
While he really leave the White House on his own free will?
Some of his fans think he is adorable:
Why are people still defending him? They know he's got no money:
Is his regime a fascist regime? Maybe not. And it simply has all characteristics. That could be it, right?
He didn't write his own books and he probably never really read a book. So what's the presidential library going to look like?
Yes, he inicited a riot and practically ordered his 'troops' to attack the capitol to prevent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be officially chosen as the new president and vice president of the United States of America.
I wonder what he now thinks of his own tweet:
How come the Capitol was to poorly defended while the attack was announced weeks beforehand on social media sites like Parler and Gab?
The president did not condemn the violence and looting. Not until a few days later.

Did you know 'Hercules' is a Trump fan who is quick to condemn 'Antifa' but refuses to look at easy to prove facts? But 'Xena' put him in his place!
Somebody conjured up this picture. I love him or her! My caption: 
'This is what happens when you leave your five years old son alone for four years.'
What's yours?

The 35 years old US airforce veteran who was killed wasn't a very nice lady. She also thought she wouldn't get shot when she broke through a window and a security officer shouted 'Stop or I'll shoot!'. Perhaps thinking only black people get shot by law enforcement officers.
Thanks to Donald Trump a new symbol of hatred and bigotry has been added to the list
'Jake Angeli' (not his real name because idiots know all too well their actions and words are wrong) was probably surprised when he got arrested for braking into and entering a federal building.
This man, sitting at the desk of Nancy Pelosi, is also still alive. But arrested.
Ivanka seems to be saying: 'I'm smiling but my father has me hostage'. Could also be something else.
I've seen eyes like this with people on XTC.
Many Trumpists thought they could get away with stealing state property. Luckily they were wrong.
On privelege
This man stated the blood on his hands was from Ashli Babbit,
the young QAnon-believer who he claimed he held in his arms.
Perhaps he has four arms and his other two arms are not holding his phone
but crawled over the floor to hold the woman who thought the guard
wouldn't shoot her because of her light skin colour.
In this picture it seems the police are telling people to stop what they're doing for a moment because the press wanted to take some pictures.
Known Trumpfans thought this really was Donald Trump, returning to Twitter after the medium banned him. Had they clicked the profile name they would have easily been able to tell it's fake. But that's Trumpfans for you: if something fits their narrative they don't question the authenticity.
Trump has even been banned from Pinterest!
What do you call it when a person in power gives all the best jobs to his friends and relatives?
Trump tried to run the military - just like the USA - as a business. It's not.
His followers seem litererally blind to his racism, bigotry and misogyny
Are all his supporters racists? Probably not. Just many.
Police clearing the way so Trump could walk to a the church across the strreet from the White House
Beware of people showing you a holy book and telling you they live by its contents
While in reality they have no clue what the words mean
Data shows this is how US law inforcement determines if someone is a protester or a rioter
'All the best people' show how much they love Trump
A field guide to civil unrest. And the reason why 'only five' people died when Capitol Hill was stormed by an angry mob.
I still think it's strange when in the first couple of months of his presidency his daughter and not his wife stayed in the White House with him
What is patriotism?
In one picture: how Trump left America to Biden
He has so many court cases against him piled up that this might well be his home for the rest of his life
I know of one person who would love to look him up there and gloat
Trump holds a unique record
His fans must be devastated.
Most suffer from cognitive dissonance
Yes, Twitter finally suspended his account for braking the Twitter-rules on lying, inciting violence and throwing insults to other users of the medium. 
People started cracking jokes on which medium Trump would resort to. Here's his 'Grindr profile'
Oh yeah, private companies can refuse people to make use of their service. Don't you forget!
More jokes were doing the rounds on social media
He actually had the audacity to create a new Twitter account, thinking @Jack wouldn't find out.
So he joined Parler, 'Twitter' for people who got kicked of Twitter because of their racist and violent behaviour

And that whole 'coup' on January 6th 2021? None of the attackers actually had a goal, other than to get a few new selfies for their social media accounts.

It's easy to blame them for raiding the Capitol. It's hard to blame them for feeling abandoned. GOP Law makers telling them they should comply to rules while they themselves refuse to even wear masks inside the Capitol Building, a known hotspot for contracting Covid-19, is hard to digest. But for some reason they still think Trump will end their unemployment, boost the economy and what else. I simply don't get it.

Rudy Guiliani played an important role in the staged attack on the Capitol. During the siege (...) he tried to convince senator Tuberville to delay the confirmation of Biden and Harris. But called the wrong number. On top of that: Trump's lawyer was very friendly with 'The man with the horns'.
According to these two people and their boss, mr. Trump, this is a real patriot:

The role of police is being investigated. What's the deal with refusing access to press but simply let rioters (or - as police call them when they're not black - protesters) walk in to disturb a meeting, which is strictly forbidden?

When rioters gain access to a building you are defending,
don't arrest them but take selfies with them! Right?

Of course some law inforcement people tried to actually defend the Capitol. Like this brave cop who's leading a pack of QAnon-folk away from the chambers where state legislators were hiding.

The following footage is really disturbing so I'll just put the link here. Clicking it is at your discretion. It shows how an angry mob tries to kill a police officer. An other officer (and according to his socials a Trump loyalist. Killed by the same people who like to shout 'Blue lives matter!') was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. After he was beaten with a lead pipe someone had taken to the Capitol. That makes it murder. Because you don't take a lead pipe with you because you're expecting rain.

Let's see if one day we will know why the police did not use their firearms. The protesters not being black couldn't have anything to do with it, right?

On the side of the protesters people died too. Ashli Babbit when she got shot when breaking and entering. A protester - wearing a sign 'don't tread on me' - got trampled to death. And another protest...rioter...died of a heart attack after he tasered himself in the family jewels and perhaps that's why the police was reluctant to say how those rioters died and left it to state 'medical issues'. Goes to show these fanatics are not the smartest of people. 

One of the people in the mob was Derrick Evans, on normal days a lawmaker, on this day a lawbreaker.
In 2016 he lost elections as a Democrat. Retried as a Libertarian but came in last. So he decided to try again, this time posing as a Republican. And won because his constituents are even dumber than he is: 'Hey, Trump is a Republican and this guy is a Republican. I have no idea what he stands for but he's part of our tribe so let's give him our vote!' In Dutch we call such a person 'Windvaan', the thing you see in top of large poles and are often red and white so from the ground you can easily see where the wind is coming from. I believe in English the word is 'Windbag.' It's their job to look colourful and to turn on every wind. You'll find the same description under 'Politician' in Republican dictionaries.
(Speaking of windbags: Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987 and since that time has changed his party affiliation five times.)

He livestreamed his criminal actions and later deleted the video, hoping none of his 30,000 Facebook followers had made a copy and his boss would never see what he did. Like fistbumping and officer who let mr. Evans and his fellow rioters in. In his defense: mr. Evans did ask some of the idiots swinging bats and knives not to touch the artwork in The Capitol. How very nice of him.

Did Trump incite the violence? Perhaps not. But somebody threw him as a lit match into a box full of unused matches:

Republican politicians were forced to take a standpoint. Some of the had the guts to publicly denounce Trump. But most responded like this:

People all over the world - including most Americans - are relieved this president did not get a second term. Except maybe for comedians: they will have to make up their own jokes again.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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