Thursday, January 21, 2021

Why is it logical to be illogical?

'Follow the money!' is what is said when people want to know who really is behind a scheme, a campaign, a war. Although not always (sometimes people are simply stupid) very often a scheme is set up, a campaign is divised, a war is started by the person(s) benifiting the most.

The 500 world's richest individuals added 1.8 trillion (just a bit more than an insane amount of money) to their wealth in the past year. Just Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk made enough in 2020 to send $2000 checks to 100 million suffering Americans. But have or will they? Nah. It's almost like only the rich profit from a crisis.

Of course that makes you think: is it coincidence that milions of people and companies have lost revenue since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, except for 'the 1 percent', meaning the world's most wealthiest?

Yes and no: they are the biggest 'winners' in every single crisis for the simple reason they have the most resources. Meaning they can anticipate more quickly, invest more money in counter-measures and so on. Often they have first hand knowledge. Because - for example - they are US senators.

Or do you think they are really such good invensters that they get a far higher percentage on their investments than civilians? Of course not. They simply know laws are in the making that will benefit certain companies so they start investing in those.

Would you do it? Probably. Because it's hard not to. The temptation is simply too great.

As we speak wealthy people are getting wealthier because they invested in the companies that are producing the anti-COVID19 vaccine and respirators. Does that mean they are the ones behind the pandemic? Not necessarily. Just people who are out for a quick buck. Take for instance the politicians Barr and Loeffler that knew a pandemic was at hand in February 2020, sold and bought millions of dollars worth of stock but in March still publicly denied Covid-19 was a serious problem. 

Just like the people who tell us masks don't work, the vaccine won't work and 'the Cabal' is behind the pandemic. How come those people themselves don't suffer from the virus financialy? Simple: they use mindtricks to get visitors to their websites to buy 'health products' like vitamins, food supplements, anti-5G radiation clothing, workshops that teach you 'how not to be a sheep that anyone who claims to be a doctor tells you is true'. Sold Told to you by someone who calls him or herself  'doctor' or 'The Healthranger'. 

You may have heard of Andrew Wakefield, the 'doctor' who is responsible for millions of people thinking having your children vaccinated will lead to them suffering from autism. Millions of people would now rather have a dead child than one who is a bit different from his or her friends. 

Mister Wakefield (when found out on cheating in his 'scientific' reports he got thrown out of his profession) wrote bad things about a vaccin for the sole purpose of promoting his own vaccin of which the worth of the patent skyrocketed. If Dante was still alive he would create a special ring in hell for people who profit of gullible people.

And people fall for it en masse, misguided (Click. Interesting article.) by website url's with the words 'truth' or 'natural' in them. Being pushed off track by repetition. As every politician and marketeer (the one sells ideas, the other goods and services) can tell you: if you state something often enough most people will automatically start believing it.

People like Andrew Wakefield and Mike Adams love stupid gullible people. So they absolutely adore Donald Trump.

Just an example: how many of you know the actual origin of Thanksgiving Day in stead of the story that has been told to you many times via several sources as a child? How many of you believe Santa Claus has been giving presents to kids for hundreds of years and not since the 1930s, when the character was invented by a marketeer on behalf of Coca Cola, a company that simply wanted people to buy their refreshing soda not only in summer?

So, how do you give 'anti-vaxxers' some facts so they will start thinking for themselves in stead of spending way too much on vitamins they could easily ingest- and for far less money - by eating oranges? You don't. Once people believe something they will defend that belief at any cost. Even if that means making a fool out of themselves because they now believe something that contradicts something they strongely believed in, just a few weeks earlier, depending on what's populair in their bubble. That system is called 'cognitive dissonance'. Sometimes just a way for people to deal with reality. Because they can't, they create their own.

I bet you have some strong beliefs too that, if you really think about it, actually are unbased. Perhaps you belief all homeless people are thieves, all muslims want to whipe out all christians, your neighbour is poor because she has a shitty car, the iPhone is the best device ever, there is no better singer than Justin Bieber....whatever you belief, it's okay. As long as you don't attack people for what they belief.

But how do you convince people that what they see as facts are really not?

Try this method:

So, what do you strongly belief in even though rationally you know it can't be true? For me it was: 'I can convince people their facts are often just fears.'

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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