Saturday, August 21, 2021

Certain (a short story)

From the corner of his eye he saw her taking pictures of him and the people he had just met. 
She saw him looking and zoomed in.

He flirted with the camera but really with her. 
She lowered the device to show him she was smiling at him.

The dimple in her cheek deepened.

The little hat looked cute on her and it didn't look like she had dressed up. 
She didn't speak his native tongue and he didn't speak hers.

That didn't stop them from making advances.
A little later he had her number. But she didn't have his. 

A few weeks later he saw her again. 
In a dressing room she gave him a little kiss and then went to work.

With the taste of her lips on his he did what he had to do. 
Most lost the game that he played but he felt a winner even if he did lose sight of her.

One day he would see her again, of that he was certain.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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