Thursday, August 05, 2021

Preaching to the choir

'They preach hate and violence and take their supporting quotes from their holy book!'

Yes, they do:

Yes, there are religious zealots who are convinced that preaching (and unfortunately executing) violence is the best way to promote the 'peace' of their religion: pastors, imams, buddhist monks...

Now they have social media to spread their hatred and lies. Religious idiots take a quote from a holy book and simply lie about what their favourite deity mend by those words. 

According to some buddhists, killing a communist is not killing a human being.
According to some muslims, killing christians is not killing a human being.
According to some christians, killing homosexuals is not killing a human being.

These days it it not uncommon to spread the lie that muslims are terrorists. So when a muslim commits an act of violence it is considered a terrorist act. But when a non-muslim kills a bunch of people he is 'a troubled young man'. 

These days in America white supremacists commit more terrorist attacks than muslims. Unfortunately people react to that news with 'Yeah, but that's just a fact and not true.'

Now it's muslims who are given the blame for a lot that's wrong in the 'free, western, christian world.' But that group used to be jews. And that wasn't even so long ago.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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