Thursday, March 24, 2022

Fake news! Propaganda!

“In war, truth is the first casualty.” is a quote that had been attributed to several people. The oldest source dates back to around 500BC, when the Greek tragedian Aeschylus added more people as well as more conflict to plays and is therefore known as 'the father of Tragedy'. 


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He was right of course. I only have to point you towards the many reports that turned out to be fake news in the recent Ukraine/Russia war: clips from a fighter jet taking down a Russian counterpart turned out to be taken from a videogame. Here are a few examples of clips that were shared as 'real': 

and a picture of president Zelenskyy proudly showing a t-shirt with a swastika quickly turned out to be photoshopped.

The Russian government even paid several online influencers to read the same script, claiming Russia was a victim and Ukraine was the agressor:

Only in a dictatorship the ruling elite would lie to its people, right? And bombard them with fake news and propaganda? Not quit. Not so long ago the exact same thing happened in America. When anchors of local TV stations, all owned by the Sinclair Broadcasting Group were forced by the group owners to tell a certain narrative. That was automatically believed by at least 70 percent of the viewers of local TV-stations. Sinclair has be known to be one of the most faithful donors of the Republican Party and the 'news' segment was scripted to make Donald Trump look good and every news station that made him look like he actually is like fake news. But it was Sinclair itself that made up fake news. 

But when people believe something, it's nearly impossible to change their minds. They simply dismiss facts. So the damage is done. And sometimes it's hard to blame them because 'deep fake' is getting increasingly harder to distinguish from 'the real thing'. 

Countering American senator's Marco Rubio's 'mistake' in which he - against the wishes of the Ukranian consulat - 'accidentally' took a screenshot (and posted it!)

of his talk with Zelensky in which he may have given Russian intelligence some valuable information regarding the man they have high on their kill list, someone created this fake video: we see 'Zelensky' getting back at the US Senator:

There's only one kind of 'good' propaganda. And that's this:

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