Thursday, June 16, 2022

Should original inhabitants drive invaders from their lands?

Some 2350 years ago Celts lived in Galatia. Roughly the area we now call Turkey. That's a historic fact. So if modern day Irish would move to Turkey en mass and drive the Turks of their lands, they have every right to do so 'because they lived there so many years ago'. Right? 

It would also mean native Americans have every right to drive off the descendants of white Europeans of their lands. Do you think they should?

And do you think Israelis have every right to suppress and even kill Palestinians 'because they live on the land we used to live on a couple of thousand of years ago!'?

Are you living on land that's been inhabited by your own people for milennia? No? How would you feel if you were to be driven off that land by people who claim their ancestors had lived there thousands of years (or hundreds) ago? Would you say they are in their right to do so?


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