Thursday, January 05, 2023

Can an anti-semite have Jewish friends?

'That right wing populist is not a racist at all! Look, he even married a person of colour/is of African descent/has black friends/had a jewish girfriend. So you are just lying!'

'So he just makes racist and antisemitic remarks for fun or out of boredom, travels to other countries for meetings with known racists and people who actually studied his behaviour unanimously agree he is a racist are all wrong?'

'Yes! You lefties all just want to make him look bad!'

'Yes, you're right. We forced him to invite racists to his meetings and made those racists wave a flag with a swastika on it to discredit your Great Leader. 

Which - by the way ' translates as 'Führer' in German. Speaking of Führer: did you know that Hitler was married to a Jewish lady and was of Jewish ánd African descent himself?'

'You're just making that up!'

'No, I'm not. ' (click)

But sure, I guess it's possible to have season tickets for your favourite football team, go to the world cup every time, talk to your friends about football all the time but still not count as a football fan.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

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