Thursday, July 25, 2024

Going nuclear

What to do with nuclear waste? "Let's store it safely for now and let future generations deal with our problem!" is what selfish people figured. At the costs of billions of dollars and a dozen or so lives. 

Turns out: nuclear waste cannot be stored 'safely'. 

Just read about the Yuccah Mountain Waste Repository: as soon as the (now halted by first Obama and later by Trump) project is finished, the USA will have produced more nuclear waste than it can 'safely' store.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Turns out: nuclear energy is - with the current knowledge - far more dangerous and expensive then advocates want the world to believe.

"Yeah, but Michael Shellenberger is an expert and he says we should go nuclear!" Interesting fact: Shellenberger has been proven wrong about 'climate alarmists and their ideas for sustainable energy'.
Furthermore: Even Nobuo Tanaka, former Executive Director of Shellenbergers  International Energy Agency  (IEA) and long-time nuclear advocate,  recently admitted nuclear power is ridiculously expensive.

I personally think we should consume less and invest in safer ways to generate energy than by 'going nuclear'. Or should we be selfish and let future generations deal with the problems we create?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The right to defend

In retaliation of Ham4s' actions on October 7th 2023, the most moral army in the world had no choice but to fight back. Literally. Because apparently they have a time machine. 
So, Isr4el is allowed to defend itself after an attack by H4mas on October 7th 2023.

But P4lestine has no right to strike back after 75 years of oppression, displacement and killing? 

How would you react to 75 years of oppression, displacement, torture and killing of your people? Write a nice letter to the United Nations?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dutch love to complain

From Joel M. Hoffman:

How do they do it? #Amsterdam's #Schiphol airport is AMAZING! Here is a happy photo of weary travelers going through security. (Yes, frequent flyers: happy and security.) 

The staff here, as in many other places, evidences a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities. And, again as in many airports, it's a busy choke point where important business takes place. And it was 6:00 in the morning. But here the workers all use words like "good morning" and "please" and "thank you" and "sir" and "madam." Everyone smiles. No one yells. The pace is efficient but jovial.
One staff member offered me a cheery "hello" before politely asking permission to open my bag.
Next to me a man was selected for secondary screening. "May I pat you down?" a security officer asked. The man nodded in a vague gesture of fatigue and resignation. The officer smiled and said, "Only with your permission, sir."
And this airport is world's THIRD BUSIEST when measured by international passenger traffic, and it sits in the top twenty world-wide when measured by overall traffic. It's on a par with New York's dreadful JFK.
Two obvious questions arise: If Amsterdam can do this, why can't cities like New York or Toronto or Paris or Istanbul?
And maybe more importantly: How did we ever come to accept anything less?
#travel #FrequentFlyer #FrequentFlyers #airport #cultures #SchipholAirport #Holland #Netherlands #TravelPostcard #BeHappy


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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The Dutch have one of the best airports in the world, one of the best seaports in the world, are one of the wealthiest countries and have been in the top five of the World Happiness Index since the dawn of mankind, the best bike infrastructure in the world and the best work/life balance worldwide while only working an average of 32 hours a week. They are also in the world top where healthcare is concerned and have one of the best pension systems in the world ever. 

The Dutch also top the list of people who complain the most about their country. 

Do the Dutch take their happiness for granted? Do they complain because they really have nothing to complain about?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

What are you scared of?

A few weeks ago I wrote about people's irrational fear of 'Muslims!' If you ask racists why they are terrified of Muslims, they don't have rational arguments but it's always because their Great Leader ('Führer' in German) told them to be afraid of Muslims. And no, 'all Muslims are terrorists, just look at all these mass shootings they executed!' is a right wing populist lie that gullible people have been brainwashed into believing. 

Was Sam Cassidy a Muslim? Payton Grendon? And there are many more examples. Just 'do your own research!' If you really believe only - or even mostly - Muslims run around killing people, you believe in a lie. Does it mean you're stupid? No. Oh...who am I kidding...yes, believing in racist lies makes one stupid. 

Demagogues have always used people's fear for the unknown to gain popularity. 

Soon right wing populists will tell their flock to fear Artificial Intelligence. Mark my words.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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In 'ye ole' days it was pragmatic that our amygdalae made our body produce drugs that got our body ready to fight or flee. Was the opponent a human who looked different from your tribe, you could choose to fight; was the opponent a sabre tooth tiger, you'd be wise to flee. Adrenaline and other helpful drugs would assist you. 

But how do you fight or flee from a possible divorce, the fear of 'the elite' or the possibility of a sibling being diagnosed with cancer? Being scared still tricks our bodies into producing 'fight or flight' drugs. But we don't fight or flee anymore. So we get stomach- and head aches, our hearts race short: we suffer from anxiety. 

Of course you could ask your doctor for Diazepam* but what do you think is the best cure for anxiety?

*If you live in the USA, where Big Pharma controls the doctors. In civilized countries a doctor usually prescribes something like: "Lay low from work for a while and find yourself a hobby you enjoy".