Thursday, July 04, 2024

What are you scared of?

A few weeks ago I wrote about people's irrational fear of 'Muslims!' If you ask racists why they are terrified of Muslims, they don't have rational arguments but it's always because their Great Leader ('Führer' in German) told them to be afraid of Muslims. And no, 'all Muslims are terrorists, just look at all these mass shootings they executed!' is a right wing populist lie that gullible people have been brainwashed into believing. 

Was Sam Cassidy a Muslim? Payton Grendon? And there are many more examples. Just 'do your own research!' If you really believe only - or even mostly - Muslims run around killing people, you believe in a lie. Does it mean you're stupid? No. Oh...who am I kidding...yes, believing in racist lies makes one stupid. 

Demagogues have always used people's fear for the unknown to gain popularity. 

Soon right wing populists will tell their flock to fear Artificial Intelligence. Mark my words.


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In 'ye ole' days it was pragmatic that our amygdalae made our body produce drugs that got our body ready to fight or flee. Was the opponent a human who looked different from your tribe, you could choose to fight; was the opponent a sabre tooth tiger, you'd be wise to flee. Adrenaline and other helpful drugs would assist you. 

But how do you fight or flee from a possible divorce, the fear of 'the elite' or the possibility of a sibling being diagnosed with cancer? Being scared still tricks our bodies into producing 'fight or flight' drugs. But we don't fight or flee anymore. So we get stomach- and head aches, our hearts race short: we suffer from anxiety. 

Of course you could ask your doctor for Diazepam* but what do you think is the best cure for anxiety?

*If you live in the USA, where Big Pharma controls the doctors. In civilized countries a doctor usually prescribes something like: "Lay low from work for a while and find yourself a hobby you enjoy". 

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