Thursday, August 29, 2024

"Remember, remember the fifth of November".

"Remember, remember the fifth of November".

Coming November most citizens of the USA can decide who will officially run their country for the next four years. The polls look very exciting. 

Who will win? Is it the well-educated pro-z¡onist woman who replaced the old geezer who gets paid by foreign agents and shows signs of dementia? 

Or is it the old geezer who gets paid by foreign agents and shows signs of dementia and has 91 felonies to his name?

These are very confusing times for magats. Although, to be honest, every time is confusing to a magat. 

Should magats be pro-P4lestine because Harris is pro-Isr4el and therefore dumb right leaders like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson are siding with the P4lestinian plight? Or should magats still be pro-Isr4el because Trump says that Harris is not pro-Isr4el enough? 

Or should magats be pro-P4lestine because their Great Leader ('Führer' in German) Trump condemned Isr4el (and praised Hezbollah) for murdering P4lestinians? 

Both major camps in the USA agree that the z¡onists are loosing the PR-war. In a direct quote from Trump:

“And the other thing is I hate, they put out tapes all the time. Every night, they’re releasing tapes of a building falling down. They shouldn’t be releasing tapes like that. They’re doing, that’s why they’re losing the PR war. They, Isr4el is absolutely losing the PR war,” Trump said.

If you were a magat, would you vote Trump because he is pro-Isr⁴el? Or would you vote Trump because he is anti-Isr4el

Or would you simply vote Trump because you can't think for yourself?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Poor birds!

Poor birds! Just in Northern America some 680,000 birds a year die from collision with a wind turbine! So we should get rid of wind turbines! Which you should not mean unless you're a hypocrite. Cars kill 200 million birds a year in Northern America.

'Yeah, but wind turbines kill 680,000 birds a year so renewable energy is bad!' If you're one of those stupid people who believe the propaganda from 'the elite' and claim renewable energy is bad, you wil not like this fact: Coal, gas, and oil power plants kill 34 times more birds than wind turbines do. 

A few years ago Norwegian scientists figured out a way to half the number of fatal bird collisions with wind turbines. 
Next to this simple solution there are also much more complicated (and expensive) solutions to help save birds lives. Like the SKARV bird collision avoidance system. 

What do you think the fossil fuels industry is doing to prevent their money making machines from killing millions of animals a year?

Publicly they worry about the problem and if they have 'christian' in their social media profile they may even offer some thoughts and prayers to 'those poor birds'. 

And that's it. 

Some half a million birds die each year in oil pits in the USA alone. But 'saving birds is not economically viable', say the politicians who are bought by the oil industry. 

However, the greatest bird killer is...the cat. With a whopping 2,4 billion killed birds a year in Northern America alone, Felis Catus is hands down the winner of the competition 'greatest bird killer'. Not surprisingly 'wild' cats kill some three times as much birds as house cats do. 

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Maybe we should stop genetically engineering and domesticating wild animals. Or for example - as was the case in parts of Italy until the 1970s - simply put 'Cat' back on the menu in restaurants. 'Yeah, but they look so cute!' Unlike chickens, pigs or cows.

Do you think we should do anything possible to prevent animals from being tortured and killed? Or don't you want to miss your steak and chicken nuggets?

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Children, s3x and genitals

Conservatives - foremost those with the word 'christian' in their social media profile - are obsessed with children, genitals and - disturbingly - the combination of those two. Yet they call others 'perverts'. 

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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One of the latest additions to the fear of 'real men!' is that drinking from a straw can turn a man gay. That's not how it works, sweethearts. Hasn't your local Holy Father told you when you went down on your knees to *ahem* confess?

Apparently licking ice cream is also 'gay'. At least in the minds of those perverts that call themselves alpha males.

Luckily - and for a mere $18,000 you can unlearn anything in your behaviour that may seem gay - like slurping - by letting yourself be dragged through the mud. Literally. In gay conversion Alpha Male Bootcamp.

Now I'm left wondering: has anyone told Andrew Tate he is extremely gay? For example when licking ice cream? Or by spending a lot of time and money on his looks? Or with putting something long and hard in his mouth and go "Ah, nice. I love this!"

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Lost in translation

Lost in translation...Ceasar basically (may have) said 'Hasta la vista, baby!' and not 'Et tu, Brute?' 
Of course there are more examples of how words got lost in translation. Even 'important' words like those in holy books like the Bible. 

The original word describing Jesus' mother did not mean 'virgin' but 'young woman'. Which makes a bit more sense now, eh?
Also interesting: Muslims have Lady Mary in higher regard than Christians. 
At least according to their respective holy books.
Lady Mary is mentioned in the Quran more often than in the Bible.  According to théir holy scripture, Jesus and His mother are not really respected by J3ws.
Do you always believe what you are told something means or do you check several sources before you make up your mind?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, August 01, 2024

"We can't!" or "We don't want to!"?

Once upon a time the USA was a shiny beacon in the world of progress and prosperity and other countries started imitating 'the land of the free'. Those ancient American concepts proved to be just hot air and from a beacon the USA turned into overcooked bacon.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thé symbol for progress and prosperity was THE CAR. Miles and miles of asphalt were poured to accomodate the object that symbolized FREEDOM! And people could easily [got in debt] get loans to get one. And for a decade or so things were great. Until the banks wanted their money back and THE PEOPLE couldn't pay up.

In the meantime The Netherlands had started to follow the USA's example and the country started to physically resemble their 'big brother'. 

But the Dutch law makers started to listen to the population and decided that people who get killed in traffic don't pay a lot in taxes. And people with lot of debts don't spend a lot of money to keep the economy going. So things - okay, roads - changed and with that the Dutch landscape. As seen in these images of Amsterdam 'then' and 'now'.

Now you know: "We can't be like The Netherlands and our infrastructure needs to stay car centric!" is nonsense. Because where there's a will, there's a way. Or road.