Thursday, August 08, 2024

Lost in translation

Lost in translation...Ceasar basically (may have) said 'Hasta la vista, baby!' and not 'Et tu, Brute?' 
Of course there are more examples of how words got lost in translation. Even 'important' words like those in holy books like the Bible. 

The original word describing Jesus' mother did not mean 'virgin' but 'young woman'. Which makes a bit more sense now, eh?
Also interesting: Muslims have Lady Mary in higher regard than Christians. 
At least according to their respective holy books.
Lady Mary is mentioned in the Quran more often than in the Bible.  According to théir holy scripture, Jesus and His mother are not really respected by J3ws.
Do you always believe what you are told something means or do you check several sources before you make up your mind?

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