Thursday, April 02, 2020

God will protect us from the virus!

'God will protect us from the virus! If you got it, you obviously didn't pay your favourite evangelical enough money to send you his prayers'

With if God send the virus to rid the world of hypocritical lying religious zealots?

In Israel Orthodox Jews make it harder for the government to contain the coronavirus. They refuse  to practice social distancing claiming 'religious freedom'. Does that freedom give them the right to endanger others?

Of course this doesn't mean religious people are stupid per sé but it's a proven fact that when you talk to dumb people a surprising number of them calls him or herself  'religious'.

Not only religious fanatics spread fake news about the Coronovirus but even presidents and newspapers think it's a great idea (Click) to act like life-endagering racist idiots. Those newspapers and presidents don't lose their followers en masse. And that's what really bothers me.

Or perhaps the virus is punishment for people who eat animals:

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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