Thursday, April 09, 2020

Moment in Time (a poem)

She knew how to knit words
into the perfect sweater that he loved to feel wrapped in.

Feeling assured they knew nothing could touch them
in this David Lynch movie they used to call life.

Simultaneously being afraid to touch and to be touched
they chuckled and snivelled at their fears
and unexpressed desires.

With all her fragility
she was the strongest person he knew
and he wanted to know more about her
but his brain kept him away
from the right questions to ask.

That was all right
because he liked the feeling
of his brain jumping around
from the sheer joy of shared occurrences.

And thus they proceeded, not knowing where what would end
but relishing the future memory
of a magical moment in time.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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