Thursday, October 22, 2020

Why consider to save the planet?

It's true.

Climate change is real. Very real. Yes, in the past temperatures across Earth have fluctuated. But never in the alarming rate it's changing due to us, humans. Of ourse you can state climate change is a hoax and doesn't really exist.

But that's like stating gravity doesn't exist. It does. Even if you give it a different name. Will your ex cease to exist if in your mind you give him or her a different name?

What it takes the Earth a year to produce in resources, we (yes, you too) use up in eight months. This can't go on for much longer. And I mean that in the most literal way. Today we can go to the supermarket and basically buy whatever we want, come home, make a cup of tea, turn up the heater, have a nice hot shower, watch Netflix for a couple of hours, curl up on a pre-heated blanket and scroll through social media feeds on our mobile phones. Well, enjoy it while the fun lasts because in a few decades you will read your grandchildren bedtime stories about what life was like in your days. By candlelight. On an empty stomach. Unless we act yesterday. 

It may be too late to cut emmisions, ban plastic, turn to renewable energy sources, stop killing creatures and plants more than we need to survive. It also may not be too late to act and help our (grand) children to enjoy this amazing planet of ours.

Me? I basically stopped using plastic bags to get done with my garbage and put on a sweater when I'm cold, in stead of turning up the thermostat. I don't nearly eat as smuch meat as I used to and installed water savers on my tabs, next to closing the curtains earlier.

Have you got any tips on how we can all help save the planet with little adjustments to our lives? Because it's obvious that it's up to us to make sure this planet has a future.

'Well, so what if the average temperature rises with only 2 degrees? I like it warm!'
Well, this what:

'Yeah, but I read somewhere that a guy in a lab coat said climate change isn't real! And I think it's not up to me but up to politicians to do something. I don't have the time anyway because I have a few more Netflix shows to watch.'

Perhaps you think it's not so bad. To have a better understanding you could calculate your personal ecological footprint.

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