Monday, March 22, 2021

Cognitive bias dyslexia

The other day I shared this meme, created by a friend. Other people shared it too, creating dozens, maybe even a hundred responses about wether or not the government should and could force us to take an anti-Corona vaccin:
Did you just feel the need to share your opinion on mandatory vaccinations? If yes, you suffer - like many others - from cognitive bias dyslexia, a term coined by one of the responders, another (Facebook-) friend of mine.

Now, take a deep breath, let go of your thoughts on mandatory vaccins and read the text in the picture again. See what happened? There's hope for you yet! Didn't see what happened? Do not worry: it's not hopeless yet. You can still recover. But you will have to take your meds.

In other words: let go of your biases, clear your mind. Read the text again but now from the perspective of someone who hasn't formed an opinion before the question is asked. Try again.

Did you see it this time around? Congratulations! You are on the path to be fully healed. 

You may now enjoy this video of the original poster and subscribe to his Youtube channel:
(everyone else: skip to the text under the video. You are not worthy)

Still have difficulties getting over your bias? I'm sorry, you are doomed. If we are friends on social media, please unfriend me and good luck!

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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