Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Education is important

Education is really, really important. So asking questions is really, really good. As long as the 'students' are willing to learn and listen. 

If people don't want to listen and learn, they become easy targets for demagogues and feel no shame in voting against their own interests.

Because the more we know about the world and eachother, the less afraid we need to be and the happier we can be ourselves ánd make others.


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Almost by definition it's students that start revolts. Because their (grand)parents stopped fighting 'the system' and got used to injustice. 

But those in power want to stay in power and although they publicly say everyone has the right to protest in a democracy, the reality is that you can only protest for a right cause. Not for a left one.

Should everyone have the right to protest or just people who agree with you?

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