Thursday, September 26, 2024

A day in [my] the life of someone with ADHD

When I saw this video, at first I thought: 'Hey, this is about me!'

My second thought I jolted down as a reaction to it:

Yep. My mind tells me I did something but in reality I only planned on doing it. And now I want to read books and watch YouTube videos on the concept of reality. And write a book and a play about my findings. Which reminds me I need to find my passport because I'm going to Belgium soon. To the French speaking part so will now open Duolingo to learn some French. Oh, I am sorry... what was the question again? Was there a question? Can a sentence be a question if it is not ended by a question mark and I just saw a neighbour walk past my window.

The ADHD-mind is constantly racing. Meaning people with ADHD are often tired and overwhelmed. We don't have a (working) filter so every little piece of information is equally important and texting a vague acquintance about a new Netflix show you just started watching has the same priority as calling your best friend to say of course you'll come to their child's funeral. It's hell. 

Luckily I've trained how to cope but ADHD'ers do have a higher suicide rate than neurotypical people. 

Another ADHD-trait is 'oversharing': as soon as you said it, you know you said to much. And are convinced people - even your closest friends - will hate you for it for the rest of their lives. And even when you are not, you often feel left out. Here's a good (and short. Don't worry) video about it.

Several people stuck the label 'ADHD' to me and my brain. But maybe I don't have ADHD but simply show most of the symptoms. Anyways: whatever label people stick on you, only you decide what label keeps sticking.
Until recently I believed there was something wrong with me and other neurodivergent people but the lady in this clip changed my mind: perhaps being neurodivergent should be the norm and - with their strong sense of justice, their creativity and passion, neurodivergent people should take over the world from 'normies' and turn this world into a better place. What if the world needs neurodivergent people?

What are your experiences with (people with) ADHD and other a-neurotypical 'abnormalities'?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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