Thursday, September 05, 2024

How plastic ruins your life

If you don't care about the planet or the environment and go 'So what, let future generations worry about us ruining the planet with all this plastic'n stuff. Not my problem.', think about this: plastic waste ruins your surfing and snorkeling experience. 


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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It would help greatly if we all stopped buying products and services from the 20 companies that are resonsible for more than half of all single use plastics. 

Unless we deliberately want to be unhealthy and have children born with neurological and developmental defects, we should consider finding alternatives for single use plastics.

Do you think you and I should solve the problem of single use plastics or don't you care about your (grand)children?

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