Thursday, September 12, 2024

Can you blame children for their sympathies?

The Hitler Jugend was indoctrinated to believe all Jews were bad people. Just like the children of white supremacists are lead to believe people of colour are all criminals, children of evangelicals are taught all Muslims are bad and zionist kids are fed with the thought that all Arabs are less than rats and fundamentalist Muslims teach their younglings all other religions are evil.  

A common factor with most religions is that they shy away from science. Because their 'religious' leaders don't want them to be educated. Uneducated people are easier to manipulate. It's as simple as that:


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Nothing wrong with telling children they are special. Where it goes wrong in the upbringing is when parents and other leaders tell them that other people are worthless. Literally 'worth less'. 

A bit over 2,000 years ago a young boy was raised believing He was special, 'the chosen one', a literal 'gift from the heavens'. As a young adult He started a cult that would become a religion, based on books written about Him and His teachings. Don't get me wrong; I'm positive He was a nice lad with some very good ideas like: 'If someone is unkind, treat them with kindness', 'If you have something in abundance, share it with people who are less fortunate' and 'We are all equal in the eyes of my Father'. 

But because people are stupid and randomly picked quotes from His works as the center of their beliefs, millions got oppressed and even killed. No wonder that sane people are turning away from the over 200 forms of 'Christianity'.

Even is His days, thousands of people who heard He (or one of His disciples) was coming to preach in their village went: 'Jesus Christ, not Him again!' 

It's how that young man named Yeshua from Nazareth got the name with which He would acquire fame. 

For the people who stood back in line when 'sense of cynicism' was handed out: that was a joke of sorts.

Do you think young children should be indoctrinated with our beliefs or should they be allowed to make their own mistakes?

Thursday, September 05, 2024

How plastic ruins your life

If you don't care about the planet or the environment and go 'So what, let future generations worry about us ruining the planet with all this plastic'n stuff. Not my problem.', think about this: plastic waste ruins your surfing and snorkeling experience. 


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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It would help greatly if we all stopped buying products and services from the 20 companies that are resonsible for more than half of all single use plastics. 

Unless we deliberately want to be unhealthy and have children born with neurological and developmental defects, we should consider finding alternatives for single use plastics.

Do you think you and I should solve the problem of single use plastics or don't you care about your (grand)children?

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Education is important

Education is really, really important. So asking questions is really, really good. As long as the 'students' are willing to learn and listen. 

If people don't want to listen and learn, they become easy targets for demagogues and feel no shame in voting against their own interests.

Because the more we know about the world and eachother, the less afraid we need to be and the happier we can be ourselves ánd make others.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Almost by definition it's students that start revolts. Because their (grand)parents stopped fighting 'the system' and got used to injustice. 

But those in power want to stay in power and although they publicly say everyone has the right to protest in a democracy, the reality is that you can only protest for a right cause. Not for a left one.

Should everyone have the right to protest or just people who agree with you?