Thursday, June 24, 2021

A positive world: single use plastics

We all know Mother Nature is not too keen on plastics. It seemed a great (and cheap) material but when we started using the suff some decades ago, we ignored the long term effects. We now know there should be something we should do about the problem. Here's a possible solution:

We're at the start of solving the problem and still a long way away from ridding the world of (single use) plastics but experiments are promising, although there are still some hurdles to take.

A very promising method is the 'Ocean Cleanup' project by Dutch researcher Boyan Slat:

All well and good but perhaps we should simply stop producing the stuff. From July 1st on, most European countries will take some measures under the name 'SUP Directives' in which SUP stands for 'Single Use Plastics'. 

We're not there yet but one has to start somewhere. The biggest problem is that the (oil) companies producing plastics are very powerful and sometimes seem to control entire governments.

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