Saturday, June 12, 2021

Hottest (a short story)

He missed her and judging by the number of love letters that she sent him that feeling was mutual. 
He decided to go see her, even though she was far away. The village where she was staying couldn't be found on any map. So he steered his car in the direction of the town post-stamped onto her self-made envelopes.

No money in his pocket to pay for his way back and without caring he arrived in the vicinity of her residence. Nobody he talked to had ever heard of the hamlet she used as her return address.

The one person who should know - the mail man - had the day off on account of a national holiday that was solely celebrated locally.

In the end he decided to send her a postcard from the post office from which she sent her love letters. There he saw a car with Dutch license plates. In the car was a young lady who looked at him slightly more surprised than a little.

Until then he had always believed that jaws only dropped onto chests in cartoons. He, too, was surprised for she looked a very great deal like his love.

That night the fire in his heart and that in his loins fought which could burn hottest.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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