We are spoiled. Sure, we can't go clubbing, theatres are shut, we only see our colleagues via Zoom and some of us have lost friends or relatives to an invisible enemy. But we have food and shelter and we can talk to our friends and relatives without being worried that they may not answer to our calls because they are 'different'.
We have access to almost all accumulated knowledge in the world with a device we carry around in our pockets. We have Email, Netflix and Youtube.
Which brings me to the question that has been answered for us: what if Anne Frank had a vlog?
(Subtitles available in English, German, Hebrew, French, et cetera)
Close the curtains. Kill the music. Just watch and listen. By yourself, with your children or your neighbour. How would you have handled the situation? And how are you handling your current situation?
By the way: Merry Christmas! Or 'Happy Holidays', because all holidays matter.
You have all seen these nice statistics that prove a point, right? They look great, there's a long url mentioned at the bottom and they seem to prove what you already thought. Great!
However, more often than not you are mislead. Have you ever actually followed the provided link or did you never 'have time' to actually do just that tiny little bit of research but shared the graph anyway, 'proving' your point to others on social media?
Here's a fine example. Produced by https://twitter.com/HaraldofW. Harald is the only person in the world who produced this graph. When you follow the links he provided you find some interesting information. Not on the number of deaths in the Nordic countries, as Harald claims, but on different numbers in...Canada.
Politicians and their followers like statistics: they are usually easy to read and you don't have to spend a few minutes reading a whole article or - gods forbid! - spend five minutes of your precious time to do even the least bit of research. Like type a search string into Google and see what comes out.
Here's how people like Harald produce their fake statistics:
If you look for Harald's 'data source' (which has a nice scientific ring to it) you still don't find the numbers he invented to put in this graph. But it takes you a couple of minutes to find that out. Harald (and people like him) are relying on people's natural ability to be lazy and don't think for themsves but simply copy the information they bet their lives on from people that seem thrustworthy. Well, you don't have to trust me but do you really trust Harald?
Speaking of Harald: I took the liberty of creating a graph with him as topic.
Hope you appreciate my work. It cost me almost five whole minutes.
Should you trust a former famous tennis player, rather than scientists?
We have known for a while that plastic is found everywhere. Ever since its invention - just a few decades ago - it has taken over the world. There is literally no place in the world where you don't find plastic. Recently it was even found in the Mariana Trench!
Scientists have found microplastics not only there but even near the top of the Mount Everest. That climbers where sloppy with leaving their trash at this beautiful place was already known. They even leave their dead friends!
It looks like there are people who don't care about nature or animals or even about other people. But perhaps they would start caring about the crazy amount of plastics when they realize they themselves eat the stuff unwillingly:
Ingesting plastics had been linked to obesity and reproductive issues. So maybe it's time something is done about the problem. It shouldn't be too hard because until a few decades ago we did fine without the stuff.
Immigrants are dying in custody but there's no outrage 'because they're just immigrants'.
Immigrants are amazing people because somehow they are capable of being too lazy to work but at the same time they are stealing jobs from the locals.
I've been searching but haven't found a single valid argument why immigrants should be held of at the border of any nation. Even one of the most tolerant countries in the world, the Netherlands, wants refugees to be taken in by the countries they arrive at. Which isn't really fair to the European countries in the south of the continent. But the Dutch government can say: 'Well, if those boats full of refugees from countries we helped bomb would enter Europe at the Dutch border, of course we would let them in because we are very tolerant.' Yeah, right. All that Syrian refugees need to do is stop the boat at a metre away from the Greek coast and jump a few thousand miles in a single leap to find themselves directly at the Dutch border to be welcomed by the Dutch.
Suppose all immigrants are always really terrible people and every country in the world in right in denying them access, what would the world look like: if Leonardo di Caprio's mother hadn't moved to the USA? If Donald Trump's grandfather had never left Germany or his mother had always stayed in Scotland? If Melania Trump had to find her clients in Slowakia or Sergy Brin hadn't been able to help found Google? Would you enjoy your meal if every single day you had to eat 'real American' food and could never taste apple pie, Thai food, pizza or fries?
And what if other countries would refuse Americans to enter for the sole reason they were stupid enough to elect a TV-host as their president, allowing their beautiful country go to waste as a result?
Can you name one valid argument why countries should ban immigrants from entering?
After '9/11' the USA decided to ban Muslims from entering the country. With the exception of Muslims from Saudi-Aribia. Strangely enough because that was the country most hijackers from that dreadful day came from. The hate shifted from hating Jews to hating Muslims and hating Jews became 'not done'. Except for Trump fans like the Proud Boys and a few other nice people. Anti-Muslim rethoric is not considered hateful but 'freedom of speech' but you would get a social media ban if you replaced 'Muslims' with 'Jews' in your Tweets and Facebook posts. Weird, isn't it?
What if the USA had refused to let in a little jewish girl called Anne Frank and later she had died in a concentration camp? Oh, wait. Yes, Anne Frank's family was denied refuge in the USA and could not hide from the Nazi's. Simply because Americans in those days hated Jews more than Nazi's.
Nice things still happen. Really. To some it may seem having to stay at home a lot, not being able to go out and when you do having to wear a face mask is nothing less than living under a fascist regime and just a small step away from a new holocaust but it's nothing, really. And if you are really, really afraid perhaps you could try focusing on the nice stuff that's out there.
Here are two examples:
Barack Obama surprised a twin who were listening to his playlist.
All over the world people are rising up against their governments. And against scientists. They state they are living in a dictatorship because of facemask mandates, their local bars being closed and other measures governments are taking to control the Coronavirus pandemic, backed by scientists. People are crazy with frustration so are very gullible when it comes to 'news' that seems to back up their 'gut feeling'. They mean 'a Facebook post from a conspiracy theorist' but say they did their own research because they don't want to appear stupid. But it's okay: they're simply very gullible.
People protesting against government measures to clamp down a pandemic is not new. First time in recorded history that happened was in London. In 1625. The pandemic at the time became known as The Plague. In stead of listening to science (okay, science at the time did not know what a virus was so - just like today - even scientists had to guess at what could possibly work against getting sick) people resorted to blaming other people. Jews mostly. 'How come so many of us are dying and so few of them?'
Mid 14th Century the same thing was happening with The Black Death: Jews were blamed. How come less Jews than other groups of people died?
Simple: An important part of Jewish laws is good hygiene. A quick burial of the dead, handwashing, staying indoors during an epidemic, not dipping your bread in the bowl your guest dips his piece of bread in, et cetera.
Perhaps we can learn from previous pandemics. And from Jews. Note: not from the extremist Jews that refuse to stay indoors and wear a facemask when going outside 'because Jahweh will protect us!'
Religous fanatics have two things in common: 1. They put all of their trust into a deity and not into science. 2. They die (click) before their time.).
You basically do the same things everybody else does: you wake up, do things and go to bed. Every single day of your life. Well, most days anyway.
But others seems to live meaningful and happy lives while you only seem to work from paycheck to paycheck, get groceries, do the dishes and watch Netflix. First of all: maybe social media is the culprit. When you look at the lives of others everyday to them seems like an adventure and they always have something meaningful to do. Especially celebrities. Right?
And although you know there's tons of stuff you could do to make yourself (feel) useful (help your neighbour or a friend, create a work of art, fix the sink, make a new friend, read Moby Dick or whatever) you rather complain on social media that you are utterly and totally bored, have seen every show on Netflix and just don't know what to do.
Well, you're not the only one:
So, get up and actually do something. Okay? And just for your information: doing something does not include bothering people you know who are not bored. So, for instance, if they say: 'Please don't bother me with your boredom. I'm really sorry for you that you are bored but I am not. Instead I am busy and do not wish to be disturbed.', do not - I repeat NOT - ask them what they are busy with and why they don't want to be disturbed under the false pretence you are 'merely interested in what they are doing' because you and I know you are not actually interested in what they have to say but you are just simply, totally and utterly bored. And you are the only one who can fix that problem.
You still don't know what to do? Here's a bit of inspiration:
Apparently people who vote don't always care about the candidate they vote for. All that matters is that he - in America anyway- is either Trump or - at a more local level - pro-Trump. So David Andahl got chosen as a House Representative. The people who elected this man did not seem to care the candidate of their choice was dead. Of course, being dead is a mere detail. What counts is that by voting you show the world you support Donald Trump, no matter wat. By the way: he died from COVID.
And those voters are not the only ones involving dead people into their belief that Trump is the chosen one and must be defended always and at all costs.
People are willing to lose all credibility just to catch a glimpse of Mr. Trump smiling at them.
Sydney Powell looks and sounds as if she's reading a ransom note: 'Please daddy, if you don't say mr. Trump won the elections those people behind me will torture me!' Perhaps she said a dead president is behind Trump losing to alert the people watching she is being held hostage.
She used to defend Mike Flynn but was recently added to the Public Relations team of lawyers hired by a former gameshow host to 'prove' the elections he lost were rigged. Blaming a dead communist president is the Trump's team latest trick. Just before the final trick: roll over and lay for dead.
The only way for a person of colour in America to avoid being prosecuted for drug possession and/or abuse is to become rich and famous. Or white.
As recently - again - being proven by a member of the Brown family: Whitney Houston, her daughter Bobbi, her daughter's husband Gordon and recently Bobby Brown Jr. died from 'substance abuse'. Meaning they had too much cocaine, probably in combination with alcohol (the single most addictive kind of harddrug in the world. But legal. So that's okay.) and/or other 'substances' (American-English for drugs. Like 'bathroom' in American-English is not a place where you take a bath - as it is in the rest of the world) but where you shit. But in America nobody does that.)
So here's a question: if the 'war on drugs' isn't working (it obviously is not) to stop the producing, selling and using of drugs, why not make illegal drugs legal (as was done with alcohol, seddatives and antidepressants) and charge some taxes?
Another question: what if the police would see Charlie Sheen as a poor young black male in possession of five dollars worth of weed in stead of a rich older white dude 'who can't handle the pressure of being famous': would Charlie Sheen be alive today if he was black and poor?
Okay, one more question: Would people change their opinion if you'd swap the word 'drugs' for 'guns' in 'Guncontrol won't work. People will get their hands on them illegally anway.'?
Plastics are polluting our beautiful planet. Bags, straws, packaging, discarded car tires...all bad. But the bigger worry is microbeads. Those tiny bits of plastic often come in producs like toothpaste, hair extensions and body scrubs.
Retailers are now focusing on that nice glittery stuff often found in and on Christmas ornaments.
Although it will help reducing the little pieces of plastic that turn up in the ocean (and therefore in the foodchain. So, yes, changes are you are digesting pure plastic when you have a nice piece of fish), it won't do as much good as banning synthetic clothing. Like the funny pinguin costume I like to wear on special occassions or that funny sweateryou got yourself for the Christmas party at work.
Every time we wash those, little pieces of plastic they end up where they don't belong: in the environment
Yes, it helps to ban glitter but is makes more sense to stop buying funny costumes.
I started to ban plastic bags and buying 'care' products containing microbeads and this years Christmas ornaments will contain no glitter. How will you contribute to the reducing of plastic waste?
America's First Lady (and Trump's third wife) seems to have forgotten she herself is an immigrant who - without her rich client husband - would still live a rather anonymous life.
This is all public information. Information their fans have too. So why do they still support the president and his misstress wife?
Do you like the feeling of people blaming you for their behaviour or for the way they feel?
I don't think anyone does. Everybody - at least occasionally - blames an other or even an object for their own mistakes. 'Stupid machine, give me my money back!' to a vending machine that holds on to your money ánd to the snickers bar you wanted. (Not to alarm you but on average fourty people die every year because they get flattened by a falling vending machine. Sharks only kill ten.) or 'I'm sad because today it's exactly ten years ago my mother died.' and even 'If the train wasn't in time I would have made it to work in time. Not my fault I was two minutes late. Usually the train is too and I was counting on that!'
For some it's 'normal' behaviour to make others feel worthless. Their behaviour is called 'passive agressive'. Here are a few examples:
Climate change is real. Very real. Yes, in the past temperatures across Earth have fluctuated. But never in the alarming rate it's changing due to us, humans. Of ourse you can state climate change is a hoax and doesn't really exist.
But that's like stating gravity doesn't exist. It does. Even if you give it a different name. Will your ex cease to exist if in your mind you give him or her a different name?
What it takes the Earth a year to produce in resources, we (yes, you too) use up in eight months. This can't go on for much longer. And I mean that in the most literal way. Today we can go to the supermarket and basically buy whatever we want, come home, make a cup of tea, turn up the heater, have a nice hot shower, watch Netflix for a couple of hours, curl up on a pre-heated blanket and scroll through social media feeds on our mobile phones. Well, enjoy it while the fun lasts because in a few decades you will read your grandchildren bedtime stories about what life was like in your days. By candlelight. On an empty stomach. Unless we act yesterday.
It may be too late to cut emmisions, ban plastic, turn to renewable energy sources, stop killing creatures and plants more than we need to survive. It also may not be too late to act and help our (grand) children to enjoy this amazing planet of ours.
Me? I basically stopped using plastic bags to get done with my garbage and put on a sweater when I'm cold, in stead of turning up the thermostat. I don't nearly eat as smuch meat as I used to and installed water savers on my tabs, next to closing the curtains earlier.
Have you got any tips on how we can all help save the planet with little adjustments to our lives? Because it's obvious that it's up to us to make sure this planet has a future.
'Well, so what if the average temperature rises with only 2 degrees? I like it warm!'
Well, this what:
'Yeah, but I read somewhere that a guy in a lab coat said climate change isn't real! And I think it's not up to me but up to politicians to do something. I don't have the time anyway because I have a few more Netflix shows to watch.'
Perhaps you think it's not so bad. To have a better understanding you could calculate your personal ecological footprint.
Next to a daytime job for three days a week I work on the side in the business of acting and entertainment. But with nightclubs and theatres closed and no large gatherings at weddings, company parties and so on, business is slow. Close to non-existent. Of course I miss the income but that's not all:
The energy you get from a live audience is not the same you get from a screen. By far. It's like the difference between listening tot a CD and being present at a live concert: it's the same music but a totally different experience. Although it actually can be enjoyable to just close your eyes and listen to the music. It's just not the same.
I miss it a lot: the audience, the colleagues, traveling to places you never knew existed, the pretty wardrobe lady who turns out to be a guy, the search for that one perfect hat you know you'll only use for that one performance and I even miss the paperwork and calling clients to please pay me because 'yes, I love what I do but that doesn't mean I don't have rent to pay.'...and nothing beats the smell of a crowded backstage early in the morning.
Would you like to support my work (I have read two whole articles of more than a page long and watched almost half a dozen videos so I could provide you with this information!)?
'Want to show people that you are a strong independent woman who makes her own choices? Smoke cigarettes!' By appealing to the idea that a strong independent woman doesn't listen to the government or to her husband Edward Bernays persuaded tens of thousands of American women to start smoking.
In stead of 'Buy this product!' he invented advertising that appealed to people's ego: 'Want to feel good? Drive this car!' 'Want to stay slim, buy this milk!', 'Want to separate from everyone else? Buy this service!' And of course people want to feel good, stay slim, want to be different from others. So, marketing was born. Creating a whole new billion dollar industry of people getting paid to deceive and manipulate.
Not only manufacturers and shop-owners use tricks to pursuade people to buy stuff. Politicians use the same tricks to 'sell' their ideas. 'Feel bad because you lost you job? Vote me and I'll get rid of the foreigners who stole your job!' 'Want to get rid of the mess I created? Vote me and I'll clean it up myself!'
Appeal to someone's ego and they stop thinking. Try it: give someone a (well-meant. That helps.) compliment just when they are about to say something and nine out of ten times their 'train of thought' is derailed.
In the Netherlands in the media this is called 'the Bokito-effect'. While the government tried to hide the fact they were secretly storing nucleair missiles (while the vast majority of the population was against those weapons of mass destruction) an ape escaped from a zoo and a huge media offensive was launched evolving around the ape (called 'Bokito'). most likely instigated by high government officials to distract attention from a much larger issue. But everybody talked about Bokito who was frontpage news while information about the nukes got a single paragraph on page 17 (as a matter of speaking) in the papers.
Of course you would never fall for 'mindtricks', making you buy things or services you don't need, right?
Now look around you and ask yourself if all the items you can see are items you really can't live without. But you can't be fooled. Right?
Would you like to support my work (I have read two whole articles of more than a page long and watched almost half a dozen videos so I could provide you with this information!)?
In 2000 the world shared this video of a shirtless man, quickly dubbed 'The Technoviking' because his features resemble our image of a Viking and he danced to techno.
Also: he behaved very manly by pulling a guy away from a lady who was being harrassed. Thousands started looking for more information about this fine example of a human being and many gave up after a couple of years. But a few persisted. What happened to Technoviking and to the man he defended a young lady against? And this is what they discovered:
(Without reading the story: what do you think about the identity, whereabouts and lifestyle of the Technoviking?)
Would you like to support my work (I have read two whole articles of more than a page long and watched almost half a dozen videos so I could provide you with this information!)?
The world is at times confusing and sometimes we don't know how to handle things. Fortunately there are people that help us to get a grasp and make us feel at peace. Even only for a couple of minutes.
Here's a great example:
The power of music is nothing sort of magic. As these commuters experience:
Sometimes all it takes is one person to get a party started. And you know what? you can be that person!
Would you like to support my work (I have read two whole articles of more than a page long and watched almost half a dozen videos so I could provide you with this information!)?
Coming november every citizen in the United States of America will choose who will lead their country for the next four years. That's called democracy. You know, that system where everyone has a vote. Except for people who are not allowed to vote. Like people under the age of eighteen, some felons, mentally disabled (that's arbitrary. Can you imagine the situation if dumb people wouldn't be allowed to vote?) and permanent residents who are not American. And that 's an improvement from the older form of democracy where everyone could vote unless they were poor, slave, female or had a dark skin colour.
One scandal is followed by the next. People from the Trump-administration have been send to jail and he has personal friends in high places and still makes money from his businesses. He and his relatives stole money from a children's cancer fund, his wife was an illegal alien who worked as a nude model and got her parents in on chain migration. The entire family seems through and through corrupt (click) but still over 30 percent of all Americans cheer him on. Do they wánt their country to be the laughing stock of the world and in a few years get their food and shelter from help-organisations?
As a foreigner to US citizens I have a question: why would any sane person vote for four more years of what is going on now?
(I know it's spelled 'fascism'. My bad. Sorry.)
Here's mister Trump saying he's proud of what he and his people did in Kenosha
Stating: 'If people choose Joe Biden in November, this is what America will look like.'
So I couldn't resist creating a meme:
Feel free to answer that simple question in the comment section of this blog and to share the memes I created on social media. And - to my American friends and relatives: good luck coming November!