Saturday, May 30, 2020

Before (a poem)

Something in the way her hair moved
when she rode her bike.
Something in the way she smiled
when she looked at a random child
playing with its mother.
Something in the way
she didn't seem to notice
an upcoming truck.
Something in the way
she pulled on her brakes
and put her feet on the street,
almost falling over,
smiling at her own clumsy self,
taking her time to continue her way.

There was something about her
that told him
- with absolute uncertainty -
he had never seen her before.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Thursday, May 28, 2020


'I hope you'll accept my apology.'
'I will. When you offer it and I sense that you mean it.'
'I just offerered you an apology!'
'No, you did not. You simpley expressed the wish I'd accept it when offered.
That's not the same thing as actually apologizing.'

Which begs the question: why do some people find it so extremely hard
to apologize for any wrongdoing?

Governments are reluctant to apologize for atrocities committed in the past:

Here's a beautiful way to apologize:

So, tell me, did you ever apologize? How and why?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Not stupid (a poem)

Time was trivial to them,
to the birds and wind.
The ray of sunlight that lit up her smile
lingered on her face, then moved to his.

Together they were silent.
Together they were alone.
Pure bliss.

Of course they knew
the moment wouldn't last.

They were in love,
not stupid.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A positive world: hobo nickel

Until recently I had never heard of the art of the hobo nickel: artistically carving of coins. It's an amazing art form!

Here's an example:

Click here to see more of artist Roman Booteen.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, May 15, 2020

Skip rope (a short story)

The calm flutter of her wings
as she passed him by
made his heart want to skip rope.

He wondered how she'd be at Double Dutch
and got his mind to wander.

'What are you smiling at?, she asked
turning his smile into a grin.

'I just saw an angel skip rope.'


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How many refugees don't return to their homeland?

Guess. Of all the refugees worldwide, which percentage eventually stays in the country they run to?

Guess again.


Guess again.


Want to know the actual figure? Click here.

Surprised? You shouldn't be.

Think about it:
if - for some terrible reason you would have to leave the place were you grew up - wouldn't you want to return?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Game (a poem)

As light becomes day
and darkness turns into night
Two become one and all is allright

I see you when you leave
and I see you when you come
Our hearts beat as one
that's more than the sum

You came without warning
You left as you came
We played until morning
And I lost the game


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, May 08, 2020

Sunset with me (a poem)

A sonnet, written a little while ago. When I was around 17.
Including a genuine Hapax Legomena. years before I learned what that was.

Do shades of grey
coming to you
by toxicating words
coming from my lips
replace the blinds
that shut your eyes
for the revealing
of the Phantom in your Dreams?

Does the sword,
handed to you
by trembling hands
conspiring with my pelvis
cut the wire
that unites our souls
and makes us wonder
why whe live and love?

It that is so,
the sun will have set,
leaving us alone.

One question then remains:
would you please
watch the Sunset with me?


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Thursday, May 07, 2020

The Coronavirus (Covid-19. You know what I mean)

Some people are scared of the virus, others are terrified. Some think it's all a big hoax that involves The New World Order, George Soros, Bill Gates and the Mainstream Media with the help of over a quarter of a million 'dead' people who are all in the plot to make 'us' believe 'they' are taking away our freedom, money, free will, children and health.

Some try to convince others they should be careful, some try to convince their friends they should be scared to death and others try to convince their friends SARS-coV-2 (the official name) simply doesn't exist. Or is a method developed by The Illuminati/Lizerdmen/Atlanteans/beings from an other dimension/all of the above to bring down the number of people on this planet down to a mere 500 million.

And there are also the confused: 'You should wear a facemask at all times to stop the virus from spreading!' 'Please don't wear a facemask because it will give you a false sense of security and people will come within 6 feet away from you because you make them think its safe!' 'Please keep your distance!' but see absolutely no harm in giving a friend of a friend a massage 'because the poor man is in pain' while simaltonously keeping their distance from an other friend in the room 'because I practice social distancing under all circumstances! Always!'

I've had a discussion with a friend who prefers listening to conspiracy theorists (but calls his method of 'finding the truth' 'listening to my gut feeling') in stead of sources like the BBC 'because they can't be trusted! And some random guy who says he cán be trusted and sells me his unique anti-Corona spray at a special discount but only today told me so so it must be true.'

I replied:

'The Spanish flu peaked during the Summer months' and more worth reading:

Bottom line: there are still unanswered questions about Covid-19 so maybe we should rely on facts in stead of 'our gut feeling' by which we mean Facebook posts. #staysafe

His response: 'I don't trust the BBC. They are mainstream media and part of the system!'

It's not 'the system' or 'msm' telling us what's the wisest thing to do. It's a little thing called 'facts'. But okay, if you rather believe 'your gut feeling' (by which you mean - I'm afraid - conspiracy theorists) that's of course entirely up to you. Stay safe, my friend! 🖖

He: I'd rather decide for myself what are facts and not.

You can't just 'decide' what you want to be facts or not: if the BBC tells you a rock is hard that's called 'stating a fact' and not meant as a sneer to conspiracy theorists. Or gullible people. Why don't you trust the BBC?

He: 'Conspiracy theorist' sounds very negative. I prefer to call them 'open minded people who hold alternative views.'

I'm sorry. Although I appreciate your effort to 'explore all possibilities except when they're stated by 'MSM', a rose is still a rose even when you call it a tulip. A racist is still a racist even when he calls himself 'a 'realist'. Just so a conspiracy theorist is a conspiracy theorist, even when he tells you you can trust him to buy his products and calls himself 'just an open minded person'. Just my two cents.

But you forgot to answer my question: why do you state the BBC can't be trusted?

Oh, and 'alternative view' falls in the same category as 'alternative facts': the view from my bedroom window now shows a parked car. Stating there is no car AND said car isn't parked is not 'an alternative view' but a lie. Even when the lie contradicts itself (Yes, often 'gullible' people (I'd rather call them 'stupid' but won't.) believe in contradictory assumptions. For instance: 'I believe the coronavirus is one giant hoax and the government should do more to protect us from it.' and 'The lockdown must be ended because we can't even see our loved ones in hospital anymore ánd the government should penalize every single person who doesn't practice social distancing.'

I think it's a shame my friend doesn't see what believing in conspiracy theories rather than in factual knowledge does to him and that it can be actually very dangerous and even life threatening . Because I like the guy.

Another friend (with an IQ of 147!) holds the same kind of views as he does and she also fails to explain to me what the difference is between a media outlet that shares (either for free or cheaply) pieces based on proven facts (aka 'MSM', for instance the BBC) and a media outlet that makes claims that are proven to be wrong based on ancient, debunked or simply manufactured data, published on a clickbait site that lures millions of followers to a webshop where they can buy t-shirts, coffeemugs, chemtrail repellent and/or 'business boosting courses' for only $5000 'but only if you act fast!' from a guy who claims he's 'not in it for the money but for telling the absolute truth'. (aka 'Conspiracy site'. For example London real TV (click)).

Both have so far 'forgotten' to tell me why they don't trust the BBC but keep repeating (as if under hypnosis) 'Yeah, but the BBC is mainstream media!' I could keep on telling them 'Freedom of speech does not equal endangering lives by spreading nonsense.' but they seem to be deaf. And I think that's a shame.

'I don't believe scientific reports!
I dó believe some random guy on Facebook!'

A tip for the next President of the USA:

Most likely (according to science...) you won't automatically be immune for Corona (and can still spread the virus!) once you've had it. 'Huh? I don't understand what you mean.' 'Please allow me to explain:

'So er...let me get this...after my house burned down and was re-build there really is a possibility it might burn down again? Noooo! But it can't burn down if it already has, yes?' 'Yes, it can. Just like breaking your wrist doesn't make you immune for future breaks.' 'Can you explain slowly, please? I still don't understand.' 'Okay, I'll say it slowly:''

'The acceleration curve has flattened!
But the secret world government still won't let us go back outside
and pick up our old daily routines!'

Some deducted from their 'gut feeling' and some 'news' sources that once you've had the virus you will never get it again. It could be, but maybe not. Nobody knows for sure yet so my reply to them is:

'So er...let me get this...after my house burned down and was re-build there really is a possibility it might burn down again? No! But it can't burn down if it already has, yes?' 'Yes, just like breaking your wrist doesn't make you immune for future breaks.' 'Can you explain slowly, please. I don't understand.' 'Okay, I'll say it slowly:'

And me? I'd like to be in the 'please be careful' group. But sometimes I'm scared or confused.

Sometimes I think the virus is a perfect excuse to push some agenda's: for World Domination (The Illuminati, remember them?), for more control over people (China, North-Korea, the USA), for power ('Only I have the vaccin! The world must bow to my power! Gna gna!') or simply for money ('Hey, I can now charge ten times more for simple face masks and sell tiny spray bottles of alcohol but when I call them 'Anti-Corona spray' I can charge a lot more to a lot more people!')

Because some are still not convinced of the use of facemasks (I don't know, because the article contained too many 'difficult' words (you know, with more than two syllables 'n stuff) or that one clip of a favourite conspiracy theorist told 'your guts' that 'they' just want to take away your liberty by making you, et cetera), here's an easy to understand picture:


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Monday, May 04, 2020

Dance with me (a poem)

If night had a shadow,
what colour would it be?

If a sound could smell of roses
would you like to dance with me?


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

Friday, May 01, 2020

Consciousness (a poem)

After the fire the neighbour took the goldfish in
Bikewheels turning
and a comforting 'Tick...tick'
from one of the peddles.

Drifting away slowly
on the sound of the whistling wind
that she allowed to touch her hair
when a thought led to fresh coffee
in the morning
and broken shoes in the hallway
when the game stopped

at consciousness.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon