One of the most popular talking points at the 'radical right' (calling people who tick all the boxes' of f4scism 'f4scists' makes those poor babies cry) is: 'The N4zis were socialists!'
A claim that has been thoroughly
debunked over and over. But n4zis... sorry...the 'radical right' won't hear of it. Instead they repeat the soundbites from their favourite Great Leader ('Führer' in German) and say stupid things like: "Yeah, but 'nazi' means 'national socialism' so they say it themselves!"
They say more stupid stuff of course but here's one of my favourites:
I asked him: "If your Great Leader really loved communists, why was that group the first to be rounded up and put in concentration camps?"
He has yet to answer. Which makes sense: 'radical right' people simply repeat the soundbites of their Great Leader and are uncapable of answering a simple question about their false claims.
One of this 'radical right' person's recurring dogmas is this one:
"The nazi's came with a 'car for the people' and worker's rights. Socialist ideas. That means the nazi's were left."
This was my response:
It's almost like you mean it when you write that anyone with a 'socialist' idea is a socialist. You're stating that anyone who is in favour of worker's rights is a socialist. So either you are a socialist yourself ór you think workers should not have rights. 🤭
And yes, WaPo is centre left. Which doesn't mean that the facts they present are not facts. Not even when those facts are not in line with the worldview of people called Erik. 😉
The popular 'radical right' talking point that the nazi's were socialist has been thoroughly debunked, over and over.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
One of the 'arguments' that r4cists use is: "I don't hate black people".
N4zis and slave owners hated people who were not like them. Just like nowadays those known as the 'radical right'.
Maybe 'hate' is a strong word and they simply can't understand people being different from them. Anyone in favour of equal rights is scary to them. It's why fans of f4scism hate 'woke'
and 'antifa'
It's why they call anyone who is not a dumbright wappie 'left'. Because 'left' is the ultimate horror for them. To them every source that doesn't spread fake, often r4cist information, is 'left'.
It explains why wappies see Elon Musk as 'right'. Which leads to them adoring a billionaire with political influence and hating a billionaire with political influence.
They cried en masse when their Great Leader was accused of bringing the n4zi salute:
"Elon did not bring the n4zi salute and the left did it too!", the dumbright cried. Proving they're really dumb. "Yes, my Great Leader brought the n4zi salute but other did it too!" really isn't the best defense.
"It was simply a slightly awkward hand gesture expressing his love to his followers and Elon is a bit autistic so didn't know what it could mean. And he's an African so grew up without knowledge of the H0locaust 'n stuff!"
Wappies were frantically trying to make excuses for their Great Leader's behaviour. Adoring, really, that kind of blind worship. So I challenged a few fans of f4scism: "If Elon's arm gesture really was as innocent as you claim, I dare you to make that same gesture at your local H0locaust museum."
For wappies the WEF is left, George Soros is left and the Washington Post is left. Basically, instead of saying 'left', wappies might as well say: 'I'm terrified of facts'.
And yes, I know their knee jerk reaction now is: "You can't trust that source because they are left!" but that's not a valid argument. Like I stated above:
facts are facts, even if you don't want them to be.
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The radical right - in general - has difficulty with comprehensive reading so to accommodate them, I sometimes turn my replies into easily understandable memes: Why do you think the 'radical right' loves flawed logic and hates facts?