Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Is America a christian nation?

There is a holy book that clearly states every single non-believer should be killed. Do you think the religion in question should be banned? Than you are anti-christian!

2 Chronicles 15:13: 'All those who do not believe in God should be killed!' 

America is and always has been a christian nation! Right? Wrong! The Founding Fathers never wanted a single religion to dominate. Just read The First Amendment. And think. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110225191416AAACkzH

But where does the notion come from that the United States is formed with christianity as basis? From people who had evertyhing to win by that idea. Financially. Basically America has been a christian nation since recorded history. If people started recording history in 1956. 

'80 percent of colonial Americans never set foot inside a church'.

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