Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How to solve the opioid crisis?

More people die from the use of legal drugs than from the use of illegal drugs. So why are some drugs legal and other drugs are not? Would that change if the pharmaceutical industry could make money selling marihuana and heroin? It's an unfortunate fact that a lot of American families are suffering from drug abuse. But how to fight the opioid crisis?

Luckily there are alternatives out there for all those nasty drugs. Those nice people from the pharmaceutical industry worked together with some policiticians to come up with synthetic drugs. Yeah!

Just too bad that stuff is deadly. But the US government still allowes the stuff to be sold 'because it's not illegal'.

But how to really do something about the problem of drugs abuse? Well, we can look at how they basically solved it in Portugal. And Norway:

Legalize it!


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