Thursday, August 25, 2022

Is there really a correlation or are you just told there is?

"With the banning of guns, historically a dictatorship follows". I wrote about it earlier (click). This is a classic example of 'gaslighting': making a statement that 'must be true, because, you know, it just is'.  The way it is stated makes people who know it's nonsense doubt themselves. But it isn't true. It's false logic. and an example of finding correlation when there is not. 

A government that bans guns is not a dictatorship but is simply using common sense.

A different, and classic, example is: 'Immigrants are criminals because the crime rate went up when more immigrants entered.' Of course there are criminals amongst immigrants. But a main part of the rise in crime rate could be the outburst of violence against immigrants. Combine those figures with the petty theft from immigrants who don't get money but also not a work permit and crime is up.

Speaking of immigrants: a famous trademark of dictators is that they often blame immigrants for everything bad in a country.

Want to know what an actual dictator sounds like? Every would be dictator loves the use of words like 'Freedom!', 'The People!' and 'Democracy!' They usually put one of these words that trigger gullible people in the name of their political party. So be wary of a political party that calles itself something like 'Party for Freedom and Democracy for The People'.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

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