Thursday, January 18, 2024

Do Republicans want more or less government rules?

Republicans want a smaller government and less rules, right?

Republicans want more rules on:

-Teaching CRT
-Books in classrooms
-Equal rights 
-Minimum wage
-Gender identity
-Unemployment benefits 
-Teaching science

Here's a list (click) of what Republicans want to ban from classrooms.

They want less rules on:

-Religion. But only on christianity
-Ethical conduct
-Child marriage
-Corporal punishment

Why do Republicans want the government to implement more and more rules every single week? For a party that claims to be pro a smaller government, their actions (click) say they love a big government.

They are against sexualising children but love child beauty pageants. And for it to be legal to marry your cousin. If you ever wondered why so many Republicans suffer from moodswings and psychosis, now you know.

Is there an explanation for this discrepancy or are Republicans just simply hypocrites?


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