Thursday, April 18, 2024


"Tennessee bans chemtrails!" wappies* cheered, following the message on hoax site '100percentfedup', pointing at State Senate bill 2691, initiated by Senator Steve Southerland and Representative Monty Fritts.  

*'Wappie' is a Dutch umbrella term for magats, karens, anti-vaxxers, putin-lovers, racists, Trump-groupies, antisemites, anti-woke people, short: crazy people.

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The bill - in the actual world - would prohibit some forms of emissions, namely those aimed at geoengeneering. Or geo-engineering for Americans, because they have trouble reading words containing more than three syllables..

And no, contrails have no proven negative effects on human or animal health. 

This conspiracy on 'chemtrails!' at least gives regular people something to laugh about; chemtrails made wappies extremely 'woke':

"The planet must be protected! No more subsidies for the oil- and flight industry! They are changing the climate! I'm wearing a facemask outside!" Those anti-chemtrail wappies all turned into mega woke people. 

I know it's not nice to make fun of mentally challenged people like chemtrails conspiracy nutjobs but...bwahahahaha!

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